
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 126-136 127 needs of social development. We hope to pave the way for future research and clinical applications that will lead to a deeper understanding of the importance of chrysanthemums in both traditional and modern contexts. 2 Botanical Description and Cultivation 2.1 Taxonomy and morphology Chrysanthemum belongs to the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. Including hybrid cultivated varieties and wild species, it has extremely high ornamental value, and as a Chinese medicinal herb with medicinal and edible homology, it has high medicinal value. The medicinal part of chrysanthemum is a dry head shaped inflorescence, with a history of over 2200 years of medicinal use. During the Han Dynasty, chrysanthemum tea was used as a health supplement. Chrysanthemum is rich in various active ingredients (polysaccharides, flavonoids, volatile oils, etc.), some of which have been widely studied and reported (Yang et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020). 2.2 Growth conditions and geographical distribution China is the origin center of chrysanthemum cultivation and the distribution center of chrysanthemum resources, with a history of over 3000 years of chrysanthemum cultivation and application. Chrysanthemum has strong adaptability and is distributed in East Asia. It is widely planted in China and Japan and is one of the important Chinese medicinal materials. It is also one of the top ten fresh cut flowers in China and an important raw material for tea and beverages. Chrysanthemum is suitable for sandy loam and loam, as well as sandy ginger black soil with good soil quality, loose texture, convenient drainage and irrigation, and medium to high fertility, to avoid repeated cropping. Chrysanthemums usually grow in temperate climates and have strong adaptability. They have both medicinal value and strong ornamental value, making them a multifunctional crop. Most medicinal chrysanthemums are named after their place of origin, with the most famous being the "Hangju", "Huaiju", "Boju", "Gongju", and "Chuju" in China, which are distributed in Zhejiang Province, Henan Province, Anhui Province, and other regions. They have a wide geographical distribution range and adapt to diverse climates (Feng et al., 2016; Hao et al., 2022). 2.3 Cultivation practices and varieties The reproduction methods of chrysanthemums mainly include root splitting and cutting propagation, with root splitting as the main method. There are about 40 species of chrysanthemum plants worldwide, with over 20 species distributed in China. Among them, there are 11 medicinal chrysanthemums, 3 varieties, and 9 cultivated varieties. According to reports, there are about 3000 varieties of chrysanthemum cultivation, including medicinal, ornamental, and edible varieties. According to the size and shape of the inflorescence, it can be divided into single petal and double petal; Flat, spherical; Long floc, short floc, flat floc, and rolled floc; Hollow and solid; Straight and drooping, with a variety of styles and complex varieties. According to the natural flowering period, it can be divided into spring chrysanthemum (May chrysanthemum), summer chrysanthemum (July chrysanthemum), early autumn chrysanthemum (blooming in September), autumn chrysanthemum (October to November), and winter chrysanthemum (December to January). According to the size of the flower diameter, it can be divided into large chrysanthemum series (those with a diameter of more than 18 cm), medium chrysanthemum series (those with a diameter of 9-18 cm), and small chrysanthemum series (those with a diameter of less than 9 cm). The daisy series can be divided into disc type, lotus type, peony type, hydrangea type, button type, etc; The Chinese chrysanthemum system can be further divided into osmanthus type, plum type, jasmine type, lychee type, ten thousand bell type, etc; The Little Chrysanthemum series is mostly full of stars in the sky. According to the valve type, it can be divided into five types: flat valve, tubular valve, spoon valve, cinnamon valve, and deformity valve, with more than ten types. According to cultivation and shape, it can be divided into single stem chrysanthemum, desk chrysanthemum, multi head chrysanthemum, small standing chrysanthemum, large standing chrysanthemum, tower chrysanthemum, cliff chrysanthemum, bonsai chrysanthemum, grafted chrysanthemum, and cut chrysanthemum. According to their efficacy and use, they can be divided into medicinal chrysanthemums, tea chrysanthemums, ornamental chrysanthemums, and edible chrysanthemums (Xia et al., 2021).