
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 162-170 168 7.3 Integration into modern medicine Integrating Hydrocotyle vulgaris into modern medicine requires a multifaceted approach. Establishing standardized protocols for its extraction, formulation, and dosage is crucial to ensure its therapeutic efficacy and safety. Collaboration between researchers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies can facilitate the development of guidelines for its clinical use. Public awareness and education about the benefits and potential uses of H. vulgaris can promote its acceptance and integration into mainstream healthcare. Given its promising antioxidant and phytoremediation properties, H. vulgaris could be developed into biocosmetic products and environmental remediation solutions, respectively, thereby broadening its application scope (Ureta et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2021). 8 Concluding Remarks Hydrocotyle vulgaris has demonstrated significant therapeutic potential through various studies. The plant exhibits strong free radical scavenging activity and antioxidant properties, which are crucial in combating oxidative stress and pathological aging. Key phytochemicals identified include flavonoids, alkaloids, and essential vitamins such as β-carotene, riboflavin, and vitamins C and E, which contribute to its therapeutic efficacy. Additionally, H. vulgaris has shown remarkable cadmium tolerance and phytoremediation capabilities, indicating its potential use in environmental cleanup efforts. The antioxidant properties of H. vulgaris make it a promising candidate for developing biocosmetic products aimed at mitigating pathological aging. Its non-irritating pH levels and good spreadability further support its suitability for topical applications. Moreover, the plant's ability to tolerate and remediate cadmium-contaminated environments suggests potential applications in reducing heavy metal toxicity in affected areas, which could indirectly benefit human health by improving environmental conditions. Future research on Hydrocotyle vulgaris should focus on exploring its full range of phytochemicals and their specific mechanisms of action. Investigating its potential in other therapeutic areas, such as wound healing and anti-inflammatory applications, could provide additional insights into its medicinal value. Furthermore, large-scale studies and clinical trials are necessary to validate its efficacy and safety for human use. Given its extensive habitat distribution and promising initial findings, H. vulgaris holds significant potential for both medical and environmental applications, warranting further scientific exploration. Acknowledgments We would like to thank colleagues for their critically reading the manuscript and providing valuable feedback. We also thank two anonymous peer reviewers for their careful review. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ahmed M.B., Islam S.U., Alghamdi A.A., Kamran M., Ahsan H., and Lee Y.S., 2022, Phytochemicals as chemo-preventive agents and signaling molecule modulators: current role in cancer therapeutics and inflammation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(24): 15765. Bertelli M., Kiani A., Paolacci S., Manara E., Kurti D., Dhuli K., Bushati V., Miertuš J., Pangallo D., Baglivo M., Beccari T., and Michelini S., 2019, Hydroxytyrosol: A natural compound with promising pharmacological activities, Journal of Biotechnology, 309: 29-33. Cai J.F., Sun K., Qin T.J., Bu X.Q., Wang M.Z., and Li H.L., 2022, Genotypic diversity improves photosynthetic traits of Hydrocotyle vulgaris and alters soil organic matter and N2O emissions of wetland microecosystems, Water, 14(6): 872. Ekiert H., Pajor J., Klin P., Rzepiela A., Ślesak H., and Szopa A., 2020, Significance of Artemisia vulgaris L. (common mugwort) in the history of medicine and its possible contemporary applications substantiated by phytochemical and pharmacological studies, Molecules, 25(19): 4415.