
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 117-125 124 Acknowledgments We are grateful to Ms. Yan for her critically reading the manuscript and providing valuable feedback that improved the clarity of the text. We also sincerely appreciate the valuable opinions and suggestions provided by the two anonymous reviewers. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Agarwal S., Roy S., Pramanick P., Mitra P., Gobato R., and Mitra A., 2018, Marsilea quadrifolia: A floral species with unique medicinal properties, Parana J. Sci. Educ, 4(5): 15-20. Ashwini, Reddy T, K., and Prasad V.S,G., 2012, Pharmacological evalution of Marsilea qudrifolia plant extractsagainst Alzheimer's disease, International Journal of Drug Development and Research, 4(2): 153-158. Bhadra S., Mukherjee P., and Bandyopadhyay A., 2012, Cholinesterase inhibition activity of Marsilea quadrifolia Linn. an edible leafy vegetable from West Bengal, India, Natural Product Research, 26: 1519-1522. Bhanukiran K., Dubey T., and Hemalatha S., 2022, Quality control standardization and in-vitro antioxidant activity of Marsilea quadrifolia Linn. Pharmacognosy Research, 14(2). Bhanukiran K., Dubey T., and Hemalatha S., 2023, Optimization of extraction process and preclinical evaluation of Marsilea quadrifolia L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 16(9): 4239-4246. Chowdhury A., Kunjiappan S., Bhattacharjee C., Somasundaram B., and Panneerselvam T., 2017, Biogenic synthesis of Marsilea quadrifolia gold nanoparticles: a study of improved glucose utilization efficiency on 3T3-L1 adipocytes, In. Vitro. Cell Dev. Biol. Anim., 53(6): 483-493. Gopalakrishnan K., 2014, GC-MS analysis of phytocompounds of leaf and stem of Marsilea quadrifolia (L.), International Journal of Biochemistry Research and Review, 4: 517-526. Gopalakrishnan K., and Udayakumar R., 2017, Phytochemical content of leaf and stem of Marsilea quadrifolia (L.), 1: 26-37. Hsu T.C., Liu H.C., Wang J.S., Chen R.W., Wang Y.C., Lin B.L., 2001, Early genes responsive to abscisic acid during heterophyllous induction in Marsilea quadrifolia, Plant Mol. Biol., 47(6): 703-715. Ishwarya R., Saravanan K., Selvaraj D., Govindarajan M., Alharbi N., Kadaikunnan S., Khaled J., Sivakamavalli J., Selvakumar T., and Vaseeharan B., 2021, Antibacterial greener silver nanoparticles synthesized using Marsilea quadrifolia extract and their eco-friendly evaluation against Zika virus vector, Aedes aegypti, Green Processing and Synthesis, 10: 742-755. Jiang B., Xing Y., Zhang B., Cai R., Zhang D., and Sun G., 2018, Effective phytoremediation of low-level heavy metals by native macrophytes in a vanadium mining area, China, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int., 25(31): 31272-31282. Kanungo V.K., Sinha S., Naik M.L., 2001, Net primary productivity of some aquatic macrophytes in sewage-sullage mixture, J. Environ. Biol., 22(3): 219-223. Kao W.Y., and Lin B.L., 2010, Phototropic leaf movements and photosynthetic performance in an amphibious fern, Marsilea quadrifolia, J. Plant Res., 123(5): 645-653. Kim J.H., Cho H.T., and Kende H., 2000, Alpha-expansins in the semiaquatic ferns Marsilea quadrifolia and Regnellidium diphyllum: evolutionary aspects and physiological role in rachis elongation, Planta, 212(1): 85-92. Li Y., Darley C.P., Ongaro V., Fleming A., Schipper O., Baldauf S.L., and McQueen-Mason S.J., 2002, Plant expansins are a complex multigene family with an ancient evolutionary origin, Plant Physiol., 128(3): 854-864. Mishra V.K., Upadhyay A.R., Pandey S.K., and Tripathi B.D., 2008, Concentrations of heavy metals and aquatic macrophytes of Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar an anthropogenic lake affected by coal mining effluent, Environ. Monit. Assess, 141(1-3): 49-58. Mushtaq S., Hanif U., Shah M., Mazhar N., Chauhdary Z., Qasim M., Muneeb M., Chaudhary M., and Dar M., 2023, Neuroprotective evaluation of Marsilea quadrifolia L. and Salvinia molesta D.S Mitchel in aluminium chloride induced Alzheimer disease, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51(3): 13228-13228.