
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 97-106 105 varieties with enhanced medicinal qualities, thereby expanding the applications of Lonicera japonica in traditional medicine, functional foods, and other industries. Continued research and innovation in this field will ensure that the full potential of this valuable plant is realized. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Julie Luo for critically reading the manuscript and providing valuable feedback that improved the clarity of the text. We also appreciate two anonymous peer reviewers who contributed to the evaluation of this manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Cai Z., Liao H., Wang C., Chen J., Tan M., Mei Y., Wei L., Chen H., Yang R., and Liu X., 2020, A comprehensive study of the aerial parts of Lonicera japonica Thunb. based on metabolite profiling coupled with PLS-DA, Phytochemical Analysis, 31(6): 786-800. Cai Z., Liu X., Chen H., Yang R., Chen J., Zou L., Wang C., Chen J., Tan M., Mei Y., and Wei L., 2021, Variations in morphology, physiology, and multiple bioactive constituents of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos under salt stress, Scientific Reports, 11: 3939. Crossa J., Pérez-Rodríguez P., Cuevas J., Montesinos-López O., Jarquín D., Campos G., Burgueño J., González-Camacho J., Pérez-Elizalde S., Beyene Y., Dreisigacker S., Singh R., Zhang X., Gowda M., Roorkiwal M., Rutkoski J., and Varshney R., 2017, Genomic selection in plant breeding: methods, models, and perspectives, Trends in Plant Science, 22(11): 961-975. Dai X., Li X., Yang B., Guo C., Jiang C., and Niu D., 2023, First report of leaf rot on Lonicera japonica caused by Rhizopus arrhizus in China, Plant Disease, 107(9): 2873. Gao B., Zhu L., Liu Z., Li Y., He X., Wu X., Pehrsson P., Sun J., Xie Z., Slavin M., and Yu L., 2023, Chemical composition of honeysuckle (Lonicerae japonicae) extracts and their potential in inhibiting the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and ACE2 binding, suppressing ACE2, and scavenging radicals, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71(15): 6133-6143. Ge L., Li J., Wan H., Zhang K., Wu W., Zou X., Wu S., Zhou B., Tian J., and Zeng X., 2018, Novel flavonoids fromLonicera japonica flower buds and validation of their anti-hepatoma and hepatoprotective activity in vitro studies, Industrial Crops and Products, 125: 114-122. Heslot N., Jannink J., and Sorrells M., 2015, Perspectives for genomic selection applications and research in plants, Crop Science, 55(1): 1-12. Heslot N., Yang H., Sorrells M., and Jannink J., 2012, Genomic selection in plant breeding: a comparison of models, Crop Science, 52(1): 146-160. Jannink J., Lorenz A., and Iwata H., 2010, Genomic selection in plant breeding: from theory to practice, Briefings in Functional Genomics, 9(2): 166-177. Jeon D., Kang Y., Lee S., Choi S., Sung Y., Lee T., and Kim C., 2023, Digitalizing breeding in plants: a new trend of next-generation breeding based on genomic prediction, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1092584. Jiang Q., Zhuo F., Long S., Zhao H., Yang D., Ye Z., Li S., and Jing Y., 2016, Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce Cd uptake and alleviate Cd toxicity of Lonicera japonicagrown in Cd-added soils? Scientific Reports, 6: 21805. Li J., Chang X., Huang Q., Liu P., Zhao X., Li F., Wang Y., and Chang C., 2023, Construction of SNP fingerprint and population genetic analysis of honeysuckle germplasm resources in China, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1080691. Li J., Yu X., Shan Q., Shi Z., Li J., Zhao X., Chang C., and Yu J., 2022, Integrated volatile metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis provides insights into the regulation of floral scents between two contrasting varieties of Lonicera japonica, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 989036. Li R., Kuang X., Wang W., Wan C., and Li W., 2020, Comparison of the chemical constitution and bioactivity among different parts of Lonicera japonica Thunb., Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(2): 614-622.