
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 85-96 94 The future of aromatic medicinal plants looks promising, with ongoing research focusing on innovative applications and sustainable practices. The development of modern extraction techniques and the valorization of plant residues are expected to enhance the economic and environmental sustainability of this sector. Moreover, there is a growing interest in understanding the sensory properties of essential oils and their applications in aromatherapy and the food industry, which could further expand the use of these plants. Continued interdisciplinary collaboration and empirical research will be essential to fully realize the potential of aromatic medicinal plants in both clinical and industrial contexts. Acknowledgments We are grateful to colleagues who read the manuscript and suggested revisions, and whose feedback made the manuscript clearer and neater. We also thank to two anonymous peer reviewers for their critical assessment and constructive suggestions on our manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Alghamdi S.S., Suliman R.S., Aljammaz N.A., Kahtani K.M., Aljatli D.A., and Albadrani G.M., 2022, Natural products as novel neuroprotective agents; computational predictions of the molecular targets, ADME properties, and safety profile, Plants, 11(4): 549. Ammar S., Noui H., Djamel S., Madani S., Maggi F., Bruno M., Romano D., Canale A., Pavela R., and Benelli G., 2020, Essential oils from three Algerian medicinal plants (Artemisia campestris, Pulicaria arabica, and Saccocalyx satureioides) as new botanical insecticides?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27: 26594-26604. Bernardo J., Malheiro I., Videira R.A., Valentão P., Santos A.C., Veiga F., and Andrade P.B., 2021, Trichilia catigua and Turnera diffusa extracts: In vitro inhibition of tyrosinase, antiglycation activity and effects on enzymes and pathways engaged in the neuroinflammatory process, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 271: 113865. Bernstein N., Akram M., Yaniv-Bachrach Z., and Daniyal M., 2021, Is it safe to consume traditional medicinal plants during pregnancy?, Phytotherapy Research, 35(4): 1908-1924. Boukhatem M.N., and Setzer W.N., 2020, Aromatic herbs, medicinal plant-derived essential oils, and phytochemical extracts as potential therapies for coronaviruses: future perspectives, Plants, 9(6): 800. Bouyahya A., Chamkhi I., Benali T., Guaouguaou F., Balahbib A., Omari N., Taha D., Belmehdi O., Ghokhan Z., and Menyiy N., 2020a, Traditional use, phytochemistry, toxicology, and pharmacology of Origanum majorana L., Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 265: 113318. Bouyahya A., Zengin G., Belmehdi O., Bourais I., Chamkhi I., Taha D., Benali T., Dakka N., and Bakri Y., 2020b, Origanum compactum Benth., from traditional use to biotechnological applications, Journal of Food Biochemistry, 44(8): e13251. Burdejova L., and Vitova E., 2020, Assessment of volatile compounds with emphasis on volatile allergens in selected dried medicinal plants using solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Chemical Papers, 74: 1679-1690. Eslami J., Ebrahimi A., Hosseinkhani A., Khazaei Z., and Darvishi I., 2018, The effect of aromatherapy using Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) and Citrus aurantium L. extracts to treat anxiety of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A randomized clinical trial in Iran, Biomedical Research and Therapy, 5(3): 2096-2110. Fierascu R.C., Fierascu I., Baroi A.M., and Ortan A., 2021, Selected aspects related to medicinal and aromatic plants as alternative sources of bioactive compounds, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(4): 1521. Gandhi G., Vasconcelos A., Haran G., Calisto V., Jothi G., Quintans J., Cuevas L., Narain N., Júnior L., Cipolotti R., and Gurgel R., 2020, Essential oils and its bioactive compounds modulating cytokines: A systematic review on anti-asthmatic and immunomodulatory properties, Phytomedicine, 73: 152854.