
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 6 could be attributed to the more accurate nutrient absorption by plants in hydroponic systems, facilitating the accumulation of medicinal components. In contrast, traditional cultivation methods may face issues related to soil quality degradation and residual fertilizer, potentially negatively impacting the medicinal component content of Scutellaria baicalensis. Therefore, when selecting planting modes, it is essential to comprehensively consider various factors that may influence the medicinal component content of Scutellaria baicalensis. 4.1.2 Impact of organic farming on medicinal component content Under the organic farming mode, due to the absence of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, the soil is more natural, and the ecosystem is more stable. This may provide a more suitable growth environment for Scutellaria baicalensis, thereby contributing to an increase in the content of medicinal components. The principles of organic farming are more in line with the natural growth of plants and are conducive to the accumulation of medicinal components. Some studies suggest that the content of medicinal components in Scutellaria baicalensis is relatively higher under organic farming practices (Jiang et al., 2022). This could be attributed to the eco-friendly management of soil and plants in organic agriculture, making it easier for plants to synthesize medicinal components. 4.2 Soil Improvement effects 4.2.1 Biological and physical soil improvement effects of Scutellaria baicalensis Scutellaria baicalensis has certain soil improvement effects, as the development of its root system and secretion during the growth process contribute to the enhancement of soil structure. Biologically, the root system of Scutellaria baicalensis can increase the organic matter content in the soil, thereby enhancing the diversity and activity of soil microorganisms. This is of significant importance for maintaining soil fertility and ecological balance (Do et al., 2021). On the physical aspect, the root system of Scutellaria baicalensis also improves soil aeration and water retention. The rooting of the root system helps to slow down water loss, enhancing the soil's water retention capacity. Additionally, root growth contributes to soil loosening, mitigating soil compaction and improving soil aeration. 4.2.2 Comparison of soil quality under different planting modes There may be variations in soil quality under different planting modes (He et al., 2023). In the organic farming mode, the ecologically friendly management of soil contributes to a relatively stable soil quality, better meeting the growth requirements of plants. In contrast, in traditional cultivation modes, soil may bear a heavier burden due to excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers. This can lead to a decline in soil quality, structural disorder, and subsequently affect the growth and yield of Scutellaria baicalensis. In the comparison between hydroponic and soil cultivation modes, the soil dependency is lower in hydroponic mode, making it more environmentally friendly. However, in some arid regions, soil cultivation mode may be more practical and feasible. 4.3 Ecosystem services 4.3.1 Contribution of Scutellaria baicalensis to ecosystem stability and services Scutellaria baicalensis, a plant with significant medicinal value, plays a crucial role in the ecosystem. Its robust growth capabilities and soil improvement effects make it an indispensable component of the ecosystem (Ji et al., 2021). The growth of Scutellaria baicalensis has a positive impact on the stability of the ecosystem. Its dense growth effectively enhances vegetation coverage, forming a stable plant community. This not only helps prevent soil erosion and slows down the rate of water and soil loss but also effectively maintains the integrity of soil structure.