
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 31-44 34 Agricultural University). Expression analysis using RT-qPCR revealed that ATPase and chlorophyll content in yam regulate starch and sucrose content, with B1 showing outstanding qualities in dry matter and starch content. It is hypothesized that the gene encoding V-ATPase (Unigene0030095) and chloroplast gene (Unigene0036091) play significant roles in the growth and development of yam (Shao Ying, 2021, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University). ABA regulation of tuber formation highlights the complex interactions of genetic and environmental factors in yam functional genomics. Furthermore, the identification of specific metabolites and their distribution characteristics (such as those found in the skin and non-skin parts of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. cv. Tiegun) provides valuable insights into the functional roles of these genomic elements in overall plant physiology and medicinal effects (An et al., 2019). By constructing an in vitro foam cell model, the effects of dioscin metabolites on lipid metabolism of foam cells, levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and expression of key targets were investigated. A total of 588 dioscin targets and 5,489 targets related to atherosclerosis (AS) were identified, with 275 overlapping targets between dioscin and AS. Through PPI network screening, 52 key targets including Src, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3), and others were identified. GO functional enrichment analysis indicated that these targets are mainly involved in processes such as protein phosphorylation, cellular response to lipid, positive regulation of cell migration, and inflammatory response (Wang and Wang, 2022). In summary, the genomic features of yam, including its sequencing and assembly, structural elements, and functional genomic components, provide a comprehensive understanding of its adaptive evolution and medicinal properties. These insights are crucial for the continued exploration and utilization of yam in both food and pharmaceutical applications. 3 Adaptive Evolution of Yam 3.1 Environmental adaptations Yam exhibits significant adaptability to various environmental conditions. This adaptability is crucial for its survival and medicinal properties. The plant's ability to thrive in diverse environments can be attributed to its genetic diversity and physiological mechanisms. For instance, the transcriptome analysis of yam revealed a substantial number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between leaf and rhizome tissues, indicating tissue-specific adaptations that may contribute to its overall environmental resilience (Hou et al., 2020). Additionally, the presence of various metabolites in different parts of the plant, such as higher levels of α-glucose and batatasin compounds in the peel, suggests a complex metabolic adaptation to environmental stressors (An et al., 2019). Yam genetic differentiation in ecological environments is primarily influenced by environmental changes associated with altitude and latitude. Altitudinal variation results in significant morphological differences between populations in mountainous and low-altitude regions, forming distinct genetic clusters due to differing geographic features. Latitude also correlates with genetic divergence in yam populations, showing lineage differentiation across different latitudinal regions. Genetic differentiation correlates positively with geographical distance but is also influenced by physical barriers. For instance, in varying drought conditions, Dioscorea species exhibit trends in Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity, Malondialdehyde (MDA), Proline (Pro), soluble sugars (SS), and soluble proteins (SP) content (Liu et al., 2020). The content of photosynthetic products in different forms of Dioscorea polystachya leaflets varies significantly: soluble proteins, soluble sugars, starch, and reducing sugars show notable differences. Dark green leaflets are significantly higher than light green ones, trifoliate leaflets are significantly higher than other leaflet numbers, and leaflet angle is strongly positively correlated with photosynthetic product content (Wen Jinming, 2018, Shanxi Agricultural University). Additionally, studies on soil moisture conditions reveal that optimal economic benefits for yam root and tuber yield and saponin content are achieved under conditions where soil moisture constitutes 50% of field water holding capacity (Xu Guixin, 2006, Northwest A&F University).