
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 11-30 24 Figure 3 Isobolographic analysis of the antinociceptive (a) and anti-inflammatory (b) effect of S aromaticum and R. officinalis in combination (1 :1 ratio) (Adopted from Déciga-Campos et al., 2021) Image caption: Figure 3 presents the equivalent graph analysis of the combination of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) in analgesic and anti-inflammatory tests. In terms of analgesic effect (Figure (a)), the theoretical value Zadd was 24.8±1.3 μg/paw, while the actual combination value Zmix was 0.45±0.1 μg/paw, indicating a significant synergistic effect. In terms of anti-inflammatory effect (b), the theoretical value Zadd was 14.4±2.2 μg/paw, while the actual combination value Zmix was 5.2±0.6 μg/paw, also showing a significant synergistic effect. These results suggest that the combination of rosemary and clove exhibits a synergistic effect in alleviating pain and inflammation, enhancing the efficacy of both (Adapted from Déciga-Campos et al., 2021) Additionally, Aljarari (2023) explored the neuroprotective effects of clove on aluminum chloride (AlCl3)-induced Alzheimer's disease (AD) in rats. The results showed that clove extract has significant antioxidant properties and can improve cognitive function in AD rats. The study found that clove exhibited neuroprotective effects in the Alzheimer's disease model by improving cognitive function, enhancing acetylcholinesterase levels, and regulating oxidative stress in the brain. 8.4 Safety and risk management of clove When used appropriately, clove is generally safe. However, high doses of eugenol, the main active component, can lead to adverse reactions such as hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal irritation. Adhering to the recommended dosage is crucial to avoid these toxic effects and ensure safe use. Additionally, individuals allergic to clove or other members of the Myrtaceae family should avoid using it (Ugagu et al., 2021). Effective risk management involves conducting comprehensive risk assessments and following safety guidelines. This includes using standardized extracts, adhering to recommended dosages, and educating consumers about potential risks and proper usage. Monitoring adverse reactions and adjusting treatment plans as necessary are also important strategies to ensure safe and effective use. Clove holds significant therapeutic potential in various fields, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant, and antibacterial applications. To fully harness its medicinal properties and ensure safe use, further research and clinical trials are necessary. 9 Challenges and Future Directions 9.1 Research gaps Despite the extensive research on aromatic medicinal plants, significant gaps remain in our understanding of their pharmacological effects. For instance, while many studies have identified the presence of bioactive compounds, the specific mechanisms through which these compounds exert their effects are often not well understood (Petrović et al., 2019; Saleh-E-In and Choi, 2021; Mesmar et al., 2022). Additionally, there is a lack of comprehensive studies linking traditional uses of these plants with their pharmacological activities, which hinders the development of standardized therapeutic applications (Saleh-E-In and Choi, 2021; Šarčević-Todosijević et al., 2023).