
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 9 The comprehensive study on the planting modes and management methods of Scutellaria baicalensis provides valuable insights for the future of agriculture and environmental protection. On one hand, eco-friendly agricultural models are becoming a trend in future agricultural development. The introduction of organic farming not only improves the quality of agricultural products but also reduces negative environmental impacts. By promoting organic and circular agricultural models, a harmonious interaction between agricultural production and natural ecosystems can be achieved, offering feasible solutions for agriculture and environmental conservation. Furthermore, the role of technological innovation in future agriculture should not be overlooked. The introduction of new technologies, such as gene editing and smart irrigation systems, can enhance agricultural productivity and reduce resource waste. Technology can also provide more precise monitoring and management tools for agriculture, achieving intelligent and sustainable development. In future research, a deeper exploration of the interaction mechanisms between plants and ecosystems is necessary. Through a thorough understanding of the ecological characteristics of plants, better planting management plans can be formulated, achieving both efficient agriculture and environmental protection. In summary, a comprehensive study on the planting modes and management methods of Scutellaria baicalensis can provide beneficial experiences and insights for the future of agriculture and environmental protection. While pursuing agricultural production efficiency, attention must also be given to the health of ecosystems, achieving a harmonious unity of economic, social, and ecological benefits. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Atherton H.R., and Li P., 2023, Hydroponic cltivation of medicinal plants—plant organs and hydroponic systems: techniques and trends, Horticulturae, 9(3): 349. Baradaran Rahimi V., Askari V.R., and Hosseinzadeh H., 2021, Promising influences of Scutellaria baicalensisand its two active constituents, baicalin, and baicalein, against metabolic syndrome: A review. Phytotherapy Research, 35(7): 3558-3574. PMid:33590943 Do H.T.T., Nguyen T.H., Nghiem T.D., Nguyen H.T., Choi G.J., Ho C.T., and Le Dang Q., 2021, Phytochemical constituents and extracts of the roots of Scutellaria baicalensisexhibit in vitro and in vivo control efficacy against various phytopathogenic microorganisms. South African Journal of Botany, 142: 1-11. Geng D., Jiang M., Dong H., et al., 2023, MeJA regulates the accumulation of baicalein and other 4’-hydroxyflavones during the hollowed root development in Scutellaria baicalensis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 1067847. PMid:36684750 PMCid:PMC9853287 Grzelka K., Matkowski A., and Ślusarczyk S., 2023, Electrostimulation improves plant growth and modulates the flavonoid profile in aeroponic culture of Scutellaria baicalensisGeorgi, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1142624. PMid:36938053 PMCid:PMC10014570 He P., Guo L., Liu Y., Meng F., and Peng C., 2023, Spatial dynamic simulation of important cash crops based on phenology with Scutellaria baicalensisGeorgi as an example, European Journal of Agronomy, 144: 126748. Ji B. Y., Liu M., Pei L.X., and Yang L.L., 2021, Ecologically suitable areas for growing Scutellaria baicalensis worldwide: an analysis based on GMPGIS, Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi= Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi= China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 46(17): 4389-4394. Li H.F., Zheng J.M., and Zhao X.M., 2022, Problems and measures of Scutellaria baicalensis planting in Weinan, Liaoning Nongye Kexue (Liaoning Agricultural Sciences), (4): 60-62. Li X., Hua Z., and Xu X., 2019, Effects of initiators on seed germination and seedling drought tolerance of Scutellaria baicalensisGeorigi, Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 48(8): 61-67.