
Medicinal Plant Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 7 Additionally, Scutellaria baicalensis plays a crucial role in soil improvement. Its root system has strong permeability, contributing to improved soil aeration and water retention. By increasing the organic matter content in the soil, Scutellaria baicalensis further enhances soil water retention, reducing water loss and combating soil erosion under arid conditions. The contribution of these ecosystem services not only elevates the esteem of Scutellaria baicalensis in the field of medicine but also actively contributes to maintaining local ecological balance. By preserving soil stability and the sustainability of water sources, Scutellaria baicalensis provides crucial support to the surrounding ecosystem, aiding in slowing down the degradation of the ecological environment. 4.3.2 Maintenance of local ecological balance through Scutellaria baicalensis cultivation Whether the cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis contributes to the maintenance of local ecological balance involves various factors. As a plant, Scutellaria baicalensis collaboratively builds vegetation within the ecosystem, contributing to the preservation of plant diversity. Additionally, the soil improvement effect during the growth process of Scutellaria baicalensis helps enhance soil fertility, providing a better growth environment for other plants. The growth of Scutellaria baicalensis may also attract natural predators, influencing the local ecological chain and increasing ecosystem stability (Wang et al., 2022). However, caution is needed, as excessive cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis may exert competition pressure on local plant diversity, affecting the normal growth of other plants. Therefore, in Scutellaria baicalensis cultivation, it is essential to consider the local ecological environment and scientifically formulate cultivation plans to achieve optimal ecosystem service benefits. In conclusion, the benefits of Scutellaria baicalensis in the ecological environment are diverse. It not only promotes its own growth and yield but also has a positive impact on soil quality and the stability of the ecosystem. This provides a comprehensive scientific basis for the cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis, aiming for sustainable development and environmentally friendly agricultural production. 5 Continuous Planting Management and Future Prospects Continuous planting management is crucial for achieving the sustainable development of Scutellaria baicalensis. By adopting eco-friendly planting techniques, practicing circular agriculture, and delving into new concepts and technologies related to the interaction with ecosystems, more scientific and viable management approaches can be provided for the cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis. This will contribute to the coordinated promotion of economic, social, and ecological benefits, aligning with the expectations for sustainable development. 5.1 Sustainable management of Scutellaria baicalensis cultivation 5.1.1 Eco-friendly planting techniques and management methods To achieve sustainable cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis, a series of eco-friendly planting techniques and management methods are essential. The promotion of organic farming is a key aspect, and it has demonstrated positive effects in Scutellaria baicalensis cultivation by reducing dependence on pesticides and fertilizers. This contributes to improving soil health and enhancing the ecological adaptability of plants (Yun et al., 2017). Introducing crop rotation and fallow systems helps improve soil structure, mitigate issues related to continuous cropping, and reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases. Such management practices not only contribute to maintaining the balance of the soil ecosystem but also enhance the yield and quality of Scutellaria baicalensis. Furthermore, efficient irrigation management is crucial for sustainable cultivation. Precision irrigation systems help control water use efficiency, reduce water wastage, and enhance the drought resistance and ecological adaptability of Scutellaria baicalensis. 5.1.2 Practices and prospects of sustainable agriculture Sustainable agriculture, emphasizing resource recycling and utilization, holds significant implications for the sustainable cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis. In the sustainable cultivation of Scutellaria baicalensis, the