
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 134-147 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 141 Figure 3 illustrates the biosynthetic pathways of various secondary metabolites in the tea plant, emphasizing how their synthesis is regulated by genetic and environmental factors. The diagram specifically maps out the biosynthesis pathways of caffeine, theanine, and several catechins (such as EGCG). Each metabolic pathway is marked with key enzymes and transcription factors, revealing the regulatory mechanisms behind these biochemical processes. 5.3 Omics in pest and disease resistance research The integration of omics technologies has significantly advanced research on pest and disease resistance in tea plants. By analyzing the transcriptomic and metabolomic responses of tea plants to biotic stresses, researchers have identified key genes and metabolites involved in defense mechanisms. These findings have led to the development of tea varieties with enhanced resistance to pests and diseases, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and promoting sustainable agricultural practices (Mahmood et al., 2022). Furthermore, the application of omics technologies has provided insights into the interaction between tea plants and their microbial communities, revealing beneficial microbes that can enhance plant health and resistance (Dikobe et al., 2023). The application of integrative omics technologies in tea breeding and agriculture has significantly enhanced tea quality, improved breeding strategies, and promoted sustainable pest and disease management practices. These advancements contribute to the development of high-quality, resilient tea varieties that meet the demands of both producers and consumers. 6 Computational Tools and Data Analysis 6.1 Software and tools for omics data analysis The integration and analysis of omics data have been facilitated by a variety of computational tools and software platforms designed to handle the complexity and volume of data generated. Tools such as Visual Omics provide a web-based platform for omics data analysis and visualization, integrating differential expression analysis, enrichment analysis, and protein-protein interaction analysis with extensive graph presentations, allowing users to perform comprehensive analyses without programming skills (Li et al., 2022). PaintOmics 3 is another resource that facilitates the integrated visualization of multiple omic data types onto KEGG pathway diagrams, enhancing the ability to understand interconnections across molecular layers. OmicsAnalyst and OmicsX further support multi-omics integration and analysis, providing interactive environments for exploring correlations, clustering, and dimensionality reduction across various omics datasets (Pan et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2021). 6.2 Machine learning and AI in omics data interpretation Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have become integral to the interpretation of omics data, providing powerful tools for pattern recognition, data classification, and predictive modeling. These technologies enable the analysis of large, complex datasets, identifying novel biomarkers, and elucidating underlying biological mechanisms. For example, Q-omics is a smart software designed to facilitate user-driven analyses with integrated ML algorithms for data mining and visualization, aiding in the discovery of cancer targets and biomarkers (Lee et al., 2021). Similarly, OmicsOne utilizes ML techniques to perform statistical analysis and data visualization on multi-omics data, simplifying the process of associating molecular features with phenotypes (Hu et al., 2019). 6.3 Future trends in computational omics The future of computational omics lies in the continued development and integration of advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and big data analytics. These advancements are expected to further enhance the precision and efficiency of omics data analysis, enabling more comprehensive and accurate interpretations of biological data. Emerging tools like OmicsNet 2.0, which offers enhanced network visual analytics and support for additional omics types, illustrate the trend towards more sophisticated and user-friendly platforms that facilitate multi-omics integration and analysis (Zhou et al., 2022). Additionally, the use of cloud-based platforms and the integration of omics databases are expected to improve accessibility and collaboration among researchers, further advancing the field of omics research (Chao et al., 2024).