
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 123-133 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 128 Table 1 Mean values and standard deviation of paraoxonase enzymes (PON-1) and Leptin pre- and post-intervention with yerba mate, green tea and apple tea and its gross and adjusted variations between groups for 8 weeks Variables Intra-group P* Inter-group P N Pre Mean±SD Post Mean±SD Crude post-pre Δ (95%CI) Crude post-pre Δ** (95%CI) Paraoxonase Yerba mate group 47 2625±1017 2880±912 0.005 255 (42 a 468) 250 (57 a 444) 0.036 Green tea group 49 2899±786 2745±923 0.154 −153 (−361 a 54) −55 (−248 a 137) Control group 46 2369±675 2403±684 0.629 33 (−181 a 249) −66 (−264 a 132) Leptin Yerba mate group 47 25,010±16,344 24,849±16,226 0.908 −160 (−2551 a 2230) −0.440 (−2275 a 2274) 0.450 Green tea group 49 25,049±15,775 25,288±14,551 0.783 238 (−2104 a 2580) 405 (1823 a 2633) Control group 46 22,028±15,296 20,813±15,160 0.347 −1214 (−3632 a 1202) −1556 (−3860 a 748) Note: * Method of generalized estimating equations with multiple comparisons adjusted by Bonferroni method (intra group); ** ANCOVA with adjustment for baseline levels among the 3 groups (Adopted from Balsan et al., 2019) 5.3 Limitations and gaps in current research Despite the promising findings, there are several limitations and gaps in the current research on Yerba Mate. Many studies have a high risk of bias, and the overall certainty of evidence ranges from moderate to very low (José et al., 2023). Additionally, most clinical trials have small sample sizes and short durations, limiting the generalizability and long-term applicability of the results (Balsan et al., 2019; Vargas et al., 2021). There is also a need for more comprehensive studies on the potential toxicological effects of Yerba Mate, particularly concerning heavy metal contamination such as cadmium and lead (Motta et al., 2020; Ulbrich et al., 2021). Future research should focus on larger, long-term clinical trials with diverse populations to better understand the health impacts and safety of Yerba Mate consumption. 6 Economic Impact and Sustainability 6.1 Yerba Mate as an economic driver in South America Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) plays a significant role in the economies of several South American countries, particularly Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The cultivation and export of Yerba Mate have seen substantial growth, driven by increasing global demand for its health benefits and sustainable production practices. For instance, the value of Yerba Mate exports from Paraguay has surged due to its positioning as a product with health benefits and sustainable production, which has created a new dimension of demand based on credence attributes (Alwang et al., 2022). Additionally, Yerba Mate cultivation has been shown to be more profitable than other traditional crops such as soybeans in certain regions, providing a higher financial return over a longer period (Pedrassani et al., 2020). 6.2 Sustainable farming practices Sustainable farming practices are crucial for the long-term viability of Yerba Mate production. In the northern plateau region of Santa Catarina, Brazil, the integration of Yerba Mate cultivation with socio-environmental conservation efforts has been studied. The extraction of Yerba Mate in this region supports socio-environmental conservation and family farming, highlighting the importance of sustainable management practices (Marques et al., 2019). Furthermore, the economic response to fertilization in Yerba Mate plantations has been positive, with fertilized sites showing higher productivity and economic viability compared to non-fertilized sites. This indicates that sustainable fertilization practices can enhance the economic returns of Yerba Mate farming while maintaining environmental health (Antonio-Bonfatti Junior et al., 2021). 6.3 Future trends in the global Yerba Mate market The global Yerba Mate market is poised for continued growth, driven by increasing awareness of its health benefits and sustainable production methods. Innovations in the use of Yerba Mate, such as its inclusion in animal feed, have shown promising results, potentially opening new markets and applications. For example, the inclusion