
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 123-133 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 127 4.2 Social and ceremonial uses Yerba mate holds significant social and ceremonial value in South American cultures. It is often shared among friends and family in a communal setting, symbolizing hospitality and social bonding. The practice of sharing mate, known as "mateada", is a symbol of friendship and community. During a mateada, the gourd is passed around in a circle, with each person taking a sip before refilling and passing it to the next participant. This ritual fosters social bonds and is often accompanied by conversation and storytelling (Samoggia et al., 2021). In addition to its social role, Yerba Mate is also used in various rituals and ceremonies, reflecting its cultural importance. For instance, in some indigenous communities, Yerba Mate is consumed during spiritual ceremonies to promote unity and well-being (Sousa et al., 2019). 4.3 Yerba Mate in modern South American culture In contemporary South American culture, Yerba Mate continues to be a popular beverage, but its consumption has also evolved with modern lifestyles. While traditional methods of preparation and consumption remain prevalent, there is a growing trend of Yerba Mate being marketed and consumed in more convenient forms, such as ready-to-drink bottles and tea bags (Samoggia et al., 2021). This shift is partly driven by the beverage's health benefits, which have been widely promoted, leading to increased popularity not only in South America but also globally (Sarriá et al., 2020; Ruskovska et al., 2022). Despite these modern adaptations, the cultural significance of yerba mate as a symbol of social connection and tradition remains strong. Yerba Mate’s integration into daily life, both in its traditional and modern forms, illustrates its enduring cultural importance. Whether shared in a communal setting or enjoyed individually, yerba mate continues to be a cornerstone of social interaction and cultural identity in South America. 5 Epidemiological and Clinical Studies 5.1 Population studies on Yerba Mate consumption Several population studies have investigated the consumption of Yerba Mate and its health impacts. A systematic review of 32 studies highlighted consistent beneficial effects of Yerba Mate on metabolism, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities across different populations. These studies also noted improvements in body weight, exercise performance, mood, appetite, and cardio- and neuroprotective effects (José et al., 2023). Another study analyzed Yerba Mate products marketed in Brazil and found that the consumption of Yerba Mate is safe and contributes to the intake of essential nutrients, despite some concerns about cadmium levels (Ulbrich et al., 2021). Additionally, research on the elemental composition of Yerba Mate from various regions in Brazil indicated that Yerba Mate leaves could be a significant source of essential elements like manganese and zinc, although cadmium levels should be monitored (Motta et al., 2020). 5.2 Clinical trials assessing health impacts Clinical trials provide more direct evidence of the health benefits of Yerba Mate tea. Balsan et al. (2019) conducted a randomized clinical trial involving 142 overweight or obese participants with dyslipidemia. The trial divided the 142 participants into three groups, instructing them to drink 1 liter of Yerba Mate tea, green tea, or apple tea (control group) daily for 8 weeks. The results showed that daily consumption of 1 liter of Yerba Mate tea significantly increased serum levels of paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) by 9.7% (p=0.005) and was positively correlated with an increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), while no significant changes were observed in the green tea and control groups (Table 1). The study suggests that Yerba Mate tea has protective effects in terms of antioxidant capacity and preventing atherosclerosis. Another study involving rats demonstrated that Yerba Mate extracts and microparticles significantly enhanced antioxidant activities and reduced lipid peroxidation in plasma and brain tissues, suggesting potential neuroprotective benefits (Vargas et al., 2021). Furthermore, a systematic review of clinical trials and observational studies confirmed the positive effects of Yerba Mate on various physiological parameters, including metabolism and inflammation (José et al., 2023).