
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 44-51 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 47 These case studies highlight the potential of manipulating microbial communities to improve the quality of fermented tea products. 3.2 Outcomes of genetic modifications in key microbial species Genetic modifications in key microbial species have been shown to influence the fermentation process and the quality of the final tea product. For example, Aspergillus niger M10 was found to produce glycoside hydrolases, which are enzymes that contribute to the sweet and mellow taste of SSDT during fermentation (Zou et al., 2022). In another study, the integrated metagenomics/metaproteomics approach identified Aspergillus as the dominant fungus and major host of identified proteins, which are involved in the degradation of the plant cell wall and oxidation of catechins during the solid-state fermentation of Pu-erh tea (Zhao et al., 2015). 3.3 Applications of SynComs in enhancing flavor, aroma, and health benefits The application of synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) has been explored to enhance the flavor, aroma, and health benefits of fermented tea products. For instance, the microbial diversity and interaction specificity in Kombucha tea fermentations were studied, revealing that manipulation of key taxa in kombucha microbiomes could shape the fermentation qualities and production of biofilms (Landis et al., 2022). This suggests that SynComs can be designed to optimize the fermentation process for desired outcomes. 3.4 Impact of engineered communities on fermentation efficiency and product consistency Engineered microbial communities have been shown to impact the fermentation efficiency and product consistency positively. The study on the microbial diversity and interaction specificity in Kombucha tea fermentations indicated that specific microbial interactions within kombucha biofilms could lead to more consistent fermentation qualities (Landis et al., 2022). Additionally, the microbial and biochemical dynamics during the fermentation of Kombucha tea were explored, suggesting that the microbial community structure and dynamics play a crucial role in the biochemistry of the fermentation process (Chakravorty et al., 2016). In conclusion, recent advances in microbial community engineering offer promising strategies for optimizing the fermentation process of tea. By understanding and manipulating microbial communities, it is possible to enhance the quality and consistency of fermented tea products, catering to the evolving preferences of consumers worldwide. 4 Challenges and Opportunities 4.1 Technical challenges in microbial engineering for tea products Microbial engineering of tea products presents several technical challenges that need to be addressed to harness its full potential. One of the primary issues is the complexity of tea's microbial ecosystem. Engineering these communities requires a deep understanding of microbial interactions and their impact on tea flavor, health benefits, and stability. Moreover, maintaining the consistency of the modified microbial traits during the fermentation process is challenging due to the dynamic nature of microbial growth and interaction, which can be influenced by slight variations in fermentation conditions. 4.2 Scale-up issues from laboratory to commercial production Scaling up microbial engineering from the laboratory to commercial production poses significant hurdles. Processes developed in the lab are often conducted on a small scale and under ideal conditions, which do not necessarily translate to larger production systems. Scaling up involves optimizing the growth media, fermentation parameters, and environmental controls to maintain the desired microbial activity and product quality. Additionally, issues such as the cost of production, efficiency at larger scales, and consistency between batches must be carefully managed to ensure commercial viability. 4.3 Regulatory and safety considerations for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products, including fermented tea, brings about stringent regulatory and safety considerations. Regulatory frameworks vary significantly by country, affecting everything from GMO development to market entry. The primary concerns include ensuring that GMOs do not