
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-18 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 17 probiotic application strategies. With the continuous development of biotechnology and genetic engineering, the improvement and optimization of probiotics will also become an important research direction. Through genetic modification, metabolic engineering and other means, the bioactivity, disease resistance and adaptability of probiotics can be improved, and the application effect of probiotics in the control of tea yellowing can be further improved. Probiotics have broad prospects in the control of tea yellows. By giving full play to the advantages and potential of probiotics, optimizing the application strategy, and deeply studying the interaction mechanism between probiotics and tea trees, it is expected to develop more efficient and environmentally friendly biological control methods, and contribute to the sustainable development of tea industry. 6 Summary and Prospect 6.1 Summary of the interaction between tea root probiotics and tea yellowing disease This study systematically investigated the interaction between tea root probiotics and tea yellowing. Studies have found that probiotics can enhance the disease resistance of tea trees and reduce the occurrence and development of tea yellowing by establishing a symbiotic relationship with tea tree roots (Chen et al., 2007). Probiotics improve the resistance of tea plant to pathogens by regulating the expression of tea plant genes and activating the immune system. The active substances produced by probiotics also have the effect of antibacterial and plant growth regulation, and have the effect of inhibiting the pathogenic bacteria of tea yellowing disease. The interaction between tea root probiotics and tea yellowing provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly biological control strategy for the control of tea yellowing. 6.2 Application prospect of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of tea yellowing disease Probiotics have broad application prospects in the control of tea yellowing disease. With the in-depth study of probiotics, it is possible to further optimize the screening and improvement of probiotics, select more disease-resistant strains, and improve their biological activity and adaptability. At the same time, the strategy of multi-strain combined application can be explored to enhance the control effect through the synergistic effect of different probiotics (Zhu et al., 2020). This will provide a more efficient and sustainable method for the control of tea yellowing disease. Studies on the mechanism of action of probiotics in rhizosphere symbiosis of tea tree should be strengthened to further understand how probiotics regulate the immune system and gene expression of tea tree, as well as the inhibition mechanism of pathogenic bacteria of tea yellowing (Figure 2). This will help to better understand the mode of action of probiotics and provide scientific basis for optimizing the application strategy of probiotics. With the continuous development of biotechnology and genetic engineering, advanced technical means can be used to improve and optimize probiotics to improve their disease resistance and adaptability. Through genetic modification, metabolic engineering and other methods, the prevention and control effect of probiotics can be further improved, and a more reliable and controllable means for the prevention and control of tea yellowing can be provided. The interaction between tea root probiotics and tea yellowing provides a new idea and method for the control of tea yellowing. By further studying the mechanism of action and optimizing the application strategy of probiotics, the disease resistance of tea plant can be further improved and the occurrence and development of tea yellowing disease can be alleviated. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.