
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-18 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 16 Figure 3 Tea tree roots (Image Source: https://www.sohu.com/a/363191056_100281977) 5 Prospect of Probiotics Applied in the Prevention and Control of Tea Yellowing Disease 5.1 Advantages and potential of probiotics in the prevention and control of tea yellowing disease As a biological control strategy, probiotics have many advantages and potential in the control of tea yellowing disease (Luan, 2016, Agriculture of Jilin, 18: 97). Probiotics can enhance the disease resistance of tea plants by establishing a symbiotic relationship with the roots of tea plants. By regulating the expression of tea tree genes and activating the immune system, probiotics can enhance the resistance of tea tree to pathogens and reduce the occurrence and development of tea yellowing disease. The active substances produced by probiotics also have the function of antibacterial and plant growth regulation, and have the inhibitory effect on pathogenic bacteria of tea yellowing disease. These active substances can directly inhibit the growth of the pathogen, reduce its virulence, or inhibit the development of the disease by activating the plant's defense response. Therefore, the application of probiotics can provide a sustainable and environmentally friendly control method, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides. In addition, probiotics have high adaptability and survival ability, and can form a stable symbiotic relationship in the tea rhizosphere. This means that the application of probiotics can provide long-term and stable control effect on tea yellows, and has good durability. 5.2 Application strategy and development trend of probiotics The application strategies of probiotics are diverse and flexible in the control of tea yellowing disease (Zhang et al., 2020). A common application strategy is to apply probiotics to the roots of the tea tree to promote the interaction between the probiotics and the tea tree through rhizosphere co-generation. This can be done through soil application, root soaking or seed treatment. Probiotics can also be applied to the leaf surface spray or soak treatment of tea to improve the immune capacity and disease resistance of tea. The future development trend of probiotics in the control of tea yellows mainly includes the following aspects, such as further research and screening of probiotics strains with high disease resistance, exploration of more functional active substances, and optimization of their yield and stability. To strengthen the research on the application strategy of probiotics, including the optimization of the best application time, dosage and method, in order to improve the control effect. The strategy of multi-strain combined application can also be explored to enhance the control effect through the synergistic action of different probiotics. Strengthen the research on the interaction mechanism between probiotics and tea trees, and gain an in-depth understanding of how probiotics regulate the immune system and gene expression of tea trees, as well as its inhibition mechanism on pathogenic bacteria of tea yellowing (Zhu et al., 2020). This will help to better understand the mode of action of probiotics and provide a scientific basis for further optimization of