
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/jtsr 7 metabolic activities (Zheng et al., 2016). These microorganisms are able to decompose catechins into low-polymerization compounds, such as catechin dimers and trimers, which play an important role in the fermentation and processing of Biluochun tea. The current research progress indicates that microorganisms have an important influence on the synthesis of catechins in Biluochun tea. The synthesis and content of catechins can be regulated by microbial community in soil, microbial community in tea and microbial activity in tea fermentation. In addition, environmental factors such as soil pH, temperature and humidity also affect the microbially mediated catechin synthesis process (Shan et al., 2011). With the in-depth study of the relationship between microorganisms and catechins, we will better understand the mechanism of action of microorganisms in the synthesis of catechins in Biluochun tea, and provide more effective control strategies for tea cultivation and processing to improve the quality and nutritional value of Biluochun tea. 5 Challenges and Future Directions The study of microbial influence on catechin synthesis in Biluochun Tea faces several challenges but also holds vast potential for future development. By employing standardized research methods and data analysis, understanding the long-term impact of microorganisms on catechin composition, exploring potential applications and commercial significance, and developing strategies to manipulate microbial communities to enhance catechin synthesis, we can gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which microorganisms contribute to catechin synthesis in Biluochun Tea. This will provide scientific evidence and technological advancements to support the development of the tea industry, leading to improved tea quality, increased production, and providing more business opportunities and economic benefits for the tea sector. 5.1 Standardization of the study methods and data analysis At present, there are still some challenges and problems in the study of microbiological synthesis of catechins in Biluochun tea. First, research methods and data analysis need to be standardized. Due to the complexity and diversity of microbial communities, it is very important to select appropriate experimental methods and techniques for quantitative and qualitative analysis of microorganisms. Future research requires the establishment of unified research methods and experimental procedures, and the use of advanced technologies such as high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics for in-depth study and analysis of microbial communities. 5.2 Long-term effects of microbial influences on catechin composition Another challenge is to understand the long-term effects of microorganisms on catechin synthesis. Current research focuses on the effects of microorganisms on the process and content of catechin synthesis, but the long-term effects of microorganisms on catechin composition are poorly understood. Further research should focus on the long-term interactions between microorganisms and tea plants, exploring the effects of microorganisms on catechin types and structural diversity, and how this effect changes as tea grows, ferments, and processes. Research on the synthesis of catechins in Biluochun tea by microorganisms has important potential applications and commercial significance (Tan et al., 2009). In-depth understanding of the relationship between microorganisms and catechins can provide guidance for tea planting and processing, and optimize the catechin content and quality of tea. In addition, by manipulating the microbial community, new microbial fertilizers or biologics can be developed to enhance the efficiency of tea tree catechin synthesis and improve tea yield and quality. In the future, further research is needed to delve into the mechanisms underlying microbial involvement in catechin synthesis. By isolating and identifying microbial strains with the potential for catechin synthesis, exploring their catechin synthesis pathways and the functions of related genes, we can uncover the specific roles of microorganisms in catechin synthesis (Wu et al., 2022). Long-term studies on the interaction between