International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.6, 333-342 336 Table 3 Plant height (cm) of potato varieties at Myagdi, Nepal (2022) Treatments 45DAS 60DAS 75DAS 90DAS T1 (Desiree) 27.63ab 32.24c 42.19c 47.50c T2 (Janakdev) 27.95a 47.62a 59.79a 66.00a T3 (Kufri Jyoti) 22.93c 42.46ab 56.67ab 62.57ab T4 (Mustang local) 23.68bc 35.24bc 45.95bc 50.72bc T5 (Khibang local) 23.18c 44.39ab 59.45a 64.96a LSD(=0.05) 4.15 9.21 12.62 12.05 SEm(±) 0.67 1.50 2.05 1.96 CV% 10.75 14.80 15.50 13.40 F probability 3.44* 4.63* 3.99* 4.84* Grandmean 25.07 40.39 52.80 58.35 Note: Mean followed by common letter(s) within columns are non-significantly different based on LSD test P=0.05, *Significant at 0.05Plevel, SEm(±) d; Standard Error of mean difference, CV: Coefficient of Variation Figure 2 Potato plant height at 35 d (A), 45 d (B), 75 d (C) and 90 d (D)