International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.6, 394-404 396 2.4 Socio demographic and farm characteristic The socio-demographic and farm characteristics were used for descriptive analysis of the study areas and study populations. Different variables like family size, ethnicity, and land holding were analyzed by using descriptive statistical tools such as percentage, mode, means, etc. 2.5 Method of data collection The study was exploratory type, and various sources and techniques for gathering information were used. The study includes primary as well as secondary data. The primary data was collected from the farmers of the respective sites by developing the questionnaire, key informants, farm visits, personal communication, etc. Informal talks were done with local traders, retailers, middlemen, and extension workers to get additional information. The secondary sources of information were collected from the annual report of the Agriculture Knowledge Centre (AKC), Syangja, publications of DDC, DOA, NARC, DADO Syangja profile, journals, and articles. 2.6 Techniques of data analysis The data collected by field survey were coded, entered, and analyzed using SPSS and MS EXCEL. Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage were calculated to determine the distribution of the study variables. The chi-square test and independent t-test were used to test the significance difference between variables and adoption level. 2.7 Measurement of variables 2.7.1 Dependent variable The dependent variable in the study was improved cultivation practices adopted by ginger growers which are mentioned below (Table 1). Those farmers who adopted these cultivation practices were considered adopters and those not were considered non-adopters. Arbitrary value was assigned for measurement i.e., zero for non-adopters and one for adopters. Table 1 Dependent variables used in the study Improved Seed/ varieties Weeding Seed treatment Preservation of seed rhizome Recommended NPK Plant protection measure Value addition Brunee harvesting Irrigation Soil testing Intercropping Mulching 2.7.2 Independent variables Independent variables taken for the study were the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents such as age, gender, level of education, family size, training, and contact with extension agents. The age of the respondents was measured based on the actual length of their life and expressed in years. Respondents were categorized into three groups by using statistical tools (mean and standard deviation). Gender indicates whether the respondent is male or female. It was expected that gender may have affected the adoption of production technology due to lower female participation in training as well as contacts with extension agents. For the study, education level was categorized into three levels i.e., Illiterate, Literate, and SLC or Above SLC level. Respondents, based on family size were classified into three groups i.e., small size, medium size, and large size using statistical tools (mean and standard deviation). The unit of measurement of landholding size was ropani. Respondents were categorized into three categories i.e., small, medium, and large land holding size by using statistical tools (mean and standard deviation).