International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.6, 333-342 338 Table 6 Average number of leaves of potato varieties at Myagdi, Nepal (2022) Treatments 45DAS 60DAS 75DAS 90DAS T1 (Desiree) 53.65a 58.20a 62.85ab 50.55c T2 (Janakdev) 48.85ab 66.05ab 70.60a 76.90a T3 (Kufri Jyoti) 43.55bc 57.45ab 68.00a 67.73ab T4 (Mustang local) 41.05bc 49.88bc 44.15c 56.45bc T5 (Khibang local) 36.80c 46.60c 53.23bc 60.58bc LSD(=0.05) 8.55 9.61 13.84 13.44 SEm(±) 1.39 1.56 2.25 2.18 CV% 12.39 11.21 15.03 13.97 F probability 5.66** 5.99** 5.97** 5.49** Grandmean 44.78 55.64 59.77 62.44 Note: Mean followed by common letter(s) within columns are non-significantly different based on LSD test P=0.05, *Significant at 0.05Plevel, SEm(±) d; Standard Error of mean difference, CV: Coefficient of Variation 3.5 Tuber yield per plant (g) and tuber number per plant There was significant effect of varieties on number and weight of tubers per plant (Table 7). The highest tuber weight per plant (512.73 g) was recorded from Janakdev and lowest tuber weight per plant (322.00 g) was recorded from Mustang local which was statistically similar with Desiree and Kufri Jyoti. Similarly, the highest number of tubers per plant was observed on Kufri Jyoti (9.95) and lowest number of tubers per plant was observed on Myagdi local (6.45) which was statistically similar with Mustang local. 3.6 Marketable and non-marketable weight per meter square (kg) The effect of different varieties on marketable and unmarketable tuber weight was significant (Table 7). Maximum weight of Marketable size tuber (3.65 kg/m2) was recorded from Janakdev and minimum weight was recorded from Mustang local (1.08 kg/m2) and highest weight of unmarketable size tuber (0.68 kg/m2) was recorded from Myagdi local due to wart susceptible variety (Figure 3) and minimum was recorded from Janakdev (0.14 kg/m2). The CV shows highest variability in marketable yield and lowest in unmarketable yield. 3.7 Yield (t/ha) The effect of different potato varieties on tuber yield (t/ha) was significant (Table 7). The highest tuber yield was recorded from Janakdev (37.93 t/ha) and lowest tuber yield was recorded from Mustang local (12.27 t/ha). Many biotic and abiotic factors such as light intensity, soil type, disease, pest etc. affects the yield of different crops (Thomson, 2001). Besides varieties adaptive responses to experimental sites, quality of planting materials and plant genetics also might be the factors for significant differences in yield (Eaton et al., 2017). Table 7 Average yield (t/ha) of potato varieties at Myagdi, Nepal (2020) Treatments Average no of tubers per hill Yield per hill (g) Marketable yield (kg/m2) Unmarketable yield (kg/m2) Total yield (t/ha) T1 (Desiree) 8.20ab 390.38b 1.81bc 0.14b 19.53bc T2 (Janakdev) 8.50ab 512.73a 3.65a 0.14b 37.93a T3 (Kufri Jyoti) 9.95a 410.27ab 2.27b 0.14b 24.08b T4 (Mustang local) 7.60b 321.91b 1.08c 0.15b 12.27c T5 (Khibang local) 7.00b 418.28ab 2.25b 0.68a 29.28ab LSD(=0.05) 1.73 101.06 1.02 0.02 10.30 SEm(±) 0.28 16.4 0.17 0.004 0.87 CV% 13.60 15.97 30.05 6.01 14.07 F probability 3.92* 4.36* 7.96** 1012.00*** 8.44** Grandmean 8.25 410.73 2.21 0.25 44.7 Note: Mean followed by common letter(s) within columns are non-significantly different based on LSD test P=0.05, *Significant at 0.05Plevel, SEm(±) d; Standard Error of mean difference, CV: Coefficient of Variation