
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 207-217 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 209 2.3 Experimental setup 2.3.1 Experimental design A field experiment was carried out in Lamahi-5, Deukhuri, Dang. The experiment was conducted in RCBD design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. Crop geometry was 10 x 20 cm. The net area of the plot was 1.4 m2 (1.4 x 1) and the total field area was 51.2 m2 (12.8 x4). Number of plants in each plot was occupies by 1,470 seedlings, with recommended dose of fertilizers: 100:50:50 KG NPK/ha and 20 ton/ha Farm yard manure (FYM) (Urea: 73 gm, DAP: 54 gm, MOP: 19 gm, 10 kg FYM per plot). 2.3.2 Treatments details Different organic (rice straw, rice husk, neem leaves, banana leaves, saw dust) and inorganic mulches (white polythene) were used as mulch materials whereas bare soil with no mulch was used as control plot. During treatment selection, different locally available least cost mulching materials were selected to ensure future feasibility and availability of treatments to the farmers (Table 1). Table 1 Treatments used and their details Treatment No. Name of the treatments Details T1 Control - T2 Sawdust 1 kg per plot T3 Rice straw 1 kg per plot T4 Banana leaves 1 kg per plot T5 Neem leaves 1 kg per plot T6 White polythene 30micron T7 Rice husk 1 kg per plot 2.4 Data measurement and analysis The data of different growth and yield attributes were collected from 10 tagged plants at different times according to the requirement for the evaluation of different treatments. Plant height was collected using measuring scale, number of leaves were counted, neck diameter, bulb diameter, bulb length was measured using vernier caliper and bulb weight was recorded using the digital weighing balance for accurate result. 2.5 Growth parameters 2.5.1 Plant height (cm) Plant height 10 tagged plants were taken at 30, 60 and 100 days of transplanting. Height of tagged sample plants from each plot was collected. The height of the sample plants were measured from the ground level to the tip of the growing point using measuring scale (ruler). The average of plant height was worked out and expressed in centimeter. 2.5.2 Number of leaves per plant The number of leaves per plant was counted on each sample plants at 30, 60 and 90 days of transplanting excluding senescent and emerging leaves. 2.5.3 Length of leaves The length of green leaves of 10 sample plants from each plot was measured at 30, 60 and 90 days of transplanting. Measuring scales was used to record the length of leaves. Length of leaves were measured from the growing point of leaves formation to the tip of the leaves and expressed in centimeter. 2.5.4 Neck thickness The thickness of the neck was recorded using measuring scales at 30 DAT and using vernier caliper at 60 and 100 days of transplanting. The average of neck thickness was calculated and expressed in centimeter.