
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 237-249 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 242 Moreover, the fruit hanging period and re-greening phenomenon are significantly influenced by environmental temperature. If the temperature is lower, the fruit hanging period and re-greening time will be correspondingly extended. Therefore, to ensure the quality and market value of thornless yellow dragon fruit, it is essential to reasonably schedule the harvest time according to local climate conditions to avoid excessive fruit hanging time that leads to a decline in commercial value. By timely harvesting and scientific management, the quality and economic benefits of thornless yellow dragon fruit can be effectively enhanced. 2.5 Low soluble solid content in thornless yellow dragon fruit The soluble solid content of dragon fruit varies significantly across different regions. Typically, the sweetness is highest at the center of the fruit, followed by the top and bottom, and lowest at the edges (Wei et al., 2020; Junior et al., 2021). Compared to red-skinned dragon fruit, thornless yellow dragon has an overall lower sweetness. Research data indicates that the soluble solid content at the center of thornless yellow dragon fruit is about 16%-17% Brix, while at the edges it is about 12% Brix. In contrast, the corresponding values for red-skinned dragon fruit are 18%-24% Brix and 16% Brix, respectively. This indicates that thornless yellow dragon has higher acidity and lower sweetness, which is a major factor affecting its market acceptance. Premature harvesting is one of the key reasons for the low sugar-to-acid ratio in thornless yellow dragon. To ensure the shelf life of thornless yellow dragon, farmers typically start harvesting 1-3 days after the fruit changes color, i.e., 23-25 days after flowering. At this point, the peel is golden yellow and the scales are thicker, making the fruit more resistant to transportation and extending its shelf life. However, at this harvest time, the soluble solid content at the center of the fruit is relatively low, around 15%-17% Brix, with a noticeable sour taste. Appropriately delaying the harvest time could be an important measure to increase the sweetness of thornless yellow dragon fruit, optimize the sugar-to-acid ratio, and thus improve its market acceptance. 3 Discussion The sweetness and acidity of thornless yellow dragon fruit are two key factors affecting its market acceptance. The fruit's sweetness mainly depends on the content of soluble solids, while acidity affects the overall flavor of the fruit (Yu et al., 2021). Studies have shown that the soluble solid content at the center of thornless yellow dragon fruit is about 16%-17% Brix, while at the edges it is about 12% Brix. This difference is significantly lower than that of red-skinned dragon fruit, resulting in lower sweetness overall (Arivalagan et al., 2021). Additionally, the higher acidity of thornless yellow dragon gives it a more sour taste, which affects consumer preference. To improve market acceptance, effective methods must be found to increase the sweetness and reduce the acidity of thornless yellow dragon. Varietal improvement is one important way to enhance the sweetness and reduce the acidity of thornless yellow dragon fruit. Through hybrid breeding, new varieties with higher sweetness and lower acidity can be developed (Subandi et al., 2018). Similar studies in apples (Malus pumila) and sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) have found that hybridization and re-pollination can significantly increase fruit sweetness and yield, proving the importance of hybridization in fruit tree variety improvement (Rymenants et al., 2020; Pylypenko et al., 2021). Additionally, facility cultivation is an effective method. Growing in greenhouses or tunnels allows control over temperature, moisture, and light conditions, optimizing the fruit's growth environment and improving its quality (Matra et al., 2020). Harvesting time has a significant impact on the soluble solid content and acidity of thornless yellow dragon fruit. Farmers typically start harvesting 1-3 days after the fruit changes color, i.e., 23-25 days after flowering. At this time, the peel is golden yellow, the scales are thicker, making the fruit more resistant to transportation, and the shelf life is longer. However, fruit harvested at this time has a relatively low soluble solid content at the center, about 15%-17% Brix, with a noticeable sour taste. Premature harvesting is one of the main reasons for the low sugar-to-acid ratio in thornless yellow dragon. To improve the sweetness and taste of the fruit, it is recommended that farmers slightly delay the harvest time. Harvesting 5-7 days after the fruit changes color may slightly shorten the shelf life but will significantly increase the sweetness and reduce the acidity, thereby enhancing market acceptance. During the cultivation of thornless