
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 237-249 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 238 the fruit ripens and turns yellow. It is native to the tropical highland regions of Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru (Espinoza-Lozano et al., 2022). These regions are rich in cactus family plant resources, and studies have shown that the bird's nest fruit is an allotetraploid hybrid naturally produced by Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) and Selenicereus (Setyowati et al., 2018). Thornless yellow dragon, also known as the Israel Dragon (Hylocereus undatus (Haw.)), was developed by Professor Yosef Mizrahi's team in Israel in the 1990s through hybrid breeding. It is a yellow-skinned, white-fleshed variety belonging to the white-fleshed dragon fruit (Abdi and Mizrahi, 2012). The thornless yellow dragon fruit is large, with bright yellow tender skin, smooth surface, white flesh, small seeds, delicate taste, and strong disease resistance, making it a high-quality dragon fruit variety. Figure 1 Differences in peel, flesh, and fruit size between thorny yellow dragon fruit and thornless yellow dragon fruit Image caption: (A) Field photo of thorny yellow dragon fruit (Yanwoguo), showing fruit with thorny peel; (B) Field photo of thornless yellow dragon fruit, showing fruit with smooth peel; (C) Differences in flesh between thorny yellow dragon fruit (bottom) and thornless yellow dragon fruit (top), with the image showing whiter flesh, smaller seeds, and finer texture in thornless yellow dragon fruit; (D) Size differences between thorny yellow dragon fruit (top) and thornless yellow dragon fruit (bottom), with thornless yellow dragon fruit being larger, with a bright, tender yellow peel. Results indicate that there are significant differences in appearance and taste between thorny yellow dragon fruit (Yanwoguo) and thornless yellow dragon fruit (Israeli yellow dragon fruit) The high sweetness of dragon fruit is one of the key factors that make it popular with consumers in the market. As living standards improve, consumers have higher demands for the sweetness, taste, and nutritional value of fruits. High-sweetness dragon fruit not only has a good taste, satisfying consumers' taste needs but also improves consumers' health through its rich nutritional content. Therefore, cultivating high-sweetness dragon fruit has significant market value and economic benefits. Although the thornless yellow dragon fruit has advantages such as large fruit size and strong disease resistance, its high acidity and low soluble solids content affect its market acceptance to some extent (Qin et al., 2022, Rural Science and Technology, 13(19): 67-69). Increasing the sweetness of the thornless yellow dragon to improve its taste and make it a more popular high-quality variety in the market is essential for promoting the development of the dragon fruit industry. By optimizing cultivation management techniques, such as using suitable fertilizers and reasonable water management measures, the sweetness of the thornless yellow dragon can be effectively increased, enhancing its market competitiveness. This study focuses on the thornless yellow dragon, introducing its growth characteristics and cultivation management points. The research provides a detailed analysis of the growth environment, nutritional needs, water management, and pest and disease control characteristics of the thornless yellow dragon, proposing optimized cultivation management plans. Specifically, measures such as chemical spraying are suggested to increase the sweetness of the thornless yellow dragon, thus improving the cultivation technology system for yellow dragon fruit. By cultivating high-sweetness, high-quality thornless yellow dragon, the study aims to improve market supply quality, meet consumer demand, further stimulate market demand, and promote the sustainable