
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 234 glasses and only 9.3% of them use all masks, gloves, glass and separate clothes while spraying the pesticides (Table 19). 22.9 percent of farmers sprayed the pesticides without using any protection measures. Consequently, vegetable farmers excessively use pesticides without any consideration of health and environment (Karmacharya, 2012). Table 18 Different mode of application of pesticides adopted by farmers in Godawari, Lalitpur Mode of application Frequency Percent (%) By using protection measures 54 77.1 Without any protection measures 16 22.9 Source: Field survey (2023) Table 19 Different method of using protection measures adopted by farmers in Godawari, Lalitpur Measures Frequency Percent (%) Use ofmask 26 48.1 Use of mask and gloves 14 25.9 Use of mask, gloves and glass 9 16.7 Use of mask, gloves, glass and separate cloth 5 9.3 Total 54 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.10 Effective control measures Among all the different control methods used by farmers, our research objective was also to investigate the effective control measures for Tuta absoluta from the farmer's perspective. The highly effective (1) measure in farmers perspective was botanical methods with index 0.933, followed by chemical methods (0.8) as effective measure with index 0.920 (Table 20). Use of traps and lures were ranked as moderately effective (0.6) and cultural methods as less effective (0.4) measure with index 0.779 and 0.517 respectively. Table 20 Effective control measures according to farmer’s perception in Godawari, Lalitpur Effective control measures Level of best measures Total Index Rank 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Botanical methods 32 16 2 0 50 0.933 I Cultural methods 2 8 27 19 56 0.517 IV Chemical control 15 8 2 0 25 0.920 II Use of traps/lures 7 23 18 3 51 0.779 III Source: Field survey (2023) 3.9 The influence of training on IPM on different variables 3.9.1 Use of insect net The results revealed that out of 18 respondents who participated in training, 12 respondents used insect net while 6 respondents did not use insect net (Table 21). Similarly, out of 52 respondents who did not participate in IPM training, 18 respondents used insect net whereas 34 did not use net as control measures. Chi square test was performed to determine the association. The chi square value was 5.609 and p value = 0.018, significant at 5% level of significance. This result signifies that the association between IPM training and use of insect net is statistically significant. 3.9.2 Knowledge about TLM Pheromones The results revealed that out of 15 respondents who participated in training, 14 respondents had knowledge about TLM Pheromones while 1 respondent was not aware about TLM Pheromones (Table 22). Similarly, out of 41 respondents who did not participate in IPM training, 10 respondents had knowledge about TLM Pheromones whereas 31 respondents were unaware about TLM Pheromones which are used in control measures. Chi square