
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 233 3.8.6 Cultural method of pest management All of the farmers use cultural methods for keeping the pests under control. But the majority of farmers 82.1% remove infested parts of plants while only 12.5% remove whole plants after severe infestation (Table 15). Crop rotation is not really common which is only 5.4% among the farmers of Lalitpur specially among those farmers who rented the land for farming. Intercropping of tomatoes is also done with other vegetables. Table 15 Cultural methods of pest management used by farmers in Lalitpur Cultural practices followed Frequency Percent (%) Removal of infested plants parts 46 82.1 Removal of host plants 7 12.5 Crop Rotation 3 5.4 Total 56 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.7 Botanical pesticides used for pest management Farmers of Lalitpur knowingly and unknowingly preferred botanicals over chemical pesticides. Out of the surveyed farmers 48% sprayed neem-based pesticides, 34% sprayed Dada gourd plus and 18% sprayed Jholmal made by using urine of cow, Neem, Asuro, Sisno, Titepati, Chilly, Garlic, etc (Table 16). They made the paste out of it and mixed it with water in varying ratios depending upon seedlings or older plants. Table 16 Different types of botanical pesticides used by farmers in Lalitpur Botanical pesticides Frequency Percent (%) Neem based pesticides 24 48 Dada gourd plus 17 34 Jholmal 9 18 Total 50 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.8 Chemical pesticides used for pest management Among the various chemical pesticides, Chlorantraniliprole and Emamectine benzoate were used by 12% of farmers each (Table 17). Thirty-six percent of farmers used the pesticides but didn’t know the chemical name of them. Similarly, as the table describes Chloropyriphos and cypermethrin is used by 20% of them. Whereas, 8% sprayed Spinosad and Thiomethoxam each and only 4% sprayed Dimethoate for pest management. Table 17 Different chemical pesticides used by farmers in Lalitpur Chemical pesticides Frequency Percent (%) Chlorantaniliprole 3 12 Emamectine Benzoate 3 12 Chloropyriphos and cypermenthrin 5 20 Spinosad 2 8 Dimethoate 1 4 Thiomethoxam 2 8 Use but do not know the name 9 36 Total 25 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.9 Mode of application of pesticides Survey study revealed that 77.1% use protection measures while spraying pesticides (Table 18). Among the various measures 48.1% only use masks, 25.9% only use masks and gloves, 16.7% only use masks, gloves and