
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 232 respondents for insect net and traps used and only 56 respondents for picking up the larva where TLM infestation has occurred. Table 11 Use of insect net for pest management in Godawari, Lalitpur Use of insect net Frequency Percentage (%) Yes 30 42.9 No 40 57.1 Source: Field survey (2023) Table 12 Use of various traps for pest management in Godawari, Lalitpur Use of traps Frequency Percentage (%)e Yes 51 72.9 No 19l 27.1 Source: Field survey (2023) Table 13 Hand picking of larva for TLM management in Godawari, Lalitpur Hand picking of larva Frequency Percentage (%) Yes 29 51.8 No 27 48.2 Total 56 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.4 Knowledge about TLM Pheromone lure The results showed that only 43% of farmers had knowledge about TLM lure while 57% did not know about TLM Lure even though they use it by others recommendations (Figure 7). Figure 7 Knowledge about TLM Lure among the farmers in Godawari, Lalitpur (Source: Field survey (2023)) 3.8.5 Types of traps used by farmers Among the various traps none of the farmers used light traps because of difficulty in instalment and maintenance. 56.9% used both Wotta t traps and sticky traps whereas 31.4% and 11.8% used Sticky traps and Wotta T traps respectively (Table 14). Table 14 Types of traps used by farmers in Godawari, Llaitpur Traps Frequency Percent Sticky traps 16 31.3 Wotta T traps 6 11.8 Both 29 56.9 Light traps 0 0 Total 51 100 Source: Field survey (2023)