
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 231 as a tool for analysis of the most adopted management practices, so the total percent was more than 100. Out of the survey population all of them are using cultural methods, 81.4% following botanical methods, 72.9% are using traps followed by 41.9 % using insect net and only 35.7% using chemical methods to control and manage the Tuta absoluta below the economic injury level (Figure 6). Figure 6 Different methods adopted to control TLM in Godawari, Lalitpur (Source: Field survey (2023)) 3.8.1 Checking of pest period Most of the respondents were only involved in agriculture therefore the majority of them spent all working hours of day in the field. 64.3% of farmers check in the pest on a daily basis which is followed by 19.6% checking a couple times a week (Table 9). Similarly, 12.5% and 3.6 % checks for pests once a week and not very often respectively. Table 9 Period of check on the pests in Godawari, Lalitpur Period pf checking Frequency Percent (%) Daily 36 64.3 Couple a times a week 11 19.6 Once aweek 7 12.5 Not very often 2 3.6 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.2 Training on Integrated pest management (IPM) Out of surveyed populations where actual infestation of Tuta occurs only 25.7% were taking the training on IPM but 74.3%, those who hadn’t taken training were also using IPM methods within their knowledge limits (Table 10). The IPM program was designed and implemented with an ecologically based participatory IPM strategy (Norton et al., 2005). Table 10 Training on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Godawari, Lalitpur Training on IPM Frequency Percent (%) Yes 18 25.7 No 52 74.3 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8.3 Mechanical method of pest management Various mechanical methods had been used by farmers. Among them 72.9 % use traps, 42.9% use insect nets and 51.8 % pick up the larvae by hand and kill them manually (Table 11; Table 12; Table 13). Considering all 70