
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 230 Figure 4 Ranking of TLM out of many other problems by farmers in Godawari, Lalitpur (Source: Field survey (2023)) Figure 5 Knowledge level on life cycle of TLM among farmers in Godawari, Lalitpur (Source: Field survey (2023)) 3.7.6 Yield loss due to Tuta absoluta In the study area the yield loss ranges from 10% minimum to 90% maximum. 56.52% was the mean yield loss due to the infestation of this pest (Table 8). But in most severe cases it can cause loss up to 80%-100% (Sah et al., 2017). Economic losses due to Tuta absoluta in tomatoes have been reported to be up to 100% in some countries in Africa particularly Sudan, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Chidege et al. (2016) reported a yield loss of 80%-100% by this pest from countries in Northern and Western Africa. Table 8 Yield loss due to TLM in Godawari, Lalitpur Loss (in percent) Minimum Maximum Mean Yield loss 10 90 56.52 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.8 Control measures The complete eradication of Tuta absoluta is impossible. But all the farmers are using control measures to minimize its adverse effect. These control methods include chemical pesticides, bioagents, and mass traps using pheromones and botanical extracts. B. thuringiensis has been demonstrated to be quite effective at minimizing damage (González-Cabrera et al., 2011). Biological method of pest management was not used by any of the farmers due to lack of availability and technical know-how. Multiple responses of the respondent were employed