
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 229 mentioned above (Bajracharya et al., 2016). From the survey research it was found that there is no infestation in 20% i.e., 14 farmers (Figure 3). So further questions were asked only to the 80% i.e 56 respondents out of 70. Figure 3 Infestation of TLM in Godawari, Lalitpur (Source: Field survey (2023)) 3.7.2 Damage symptoms of Tuta absoluta Leaves, stems and fruits of tomato are majorly affected by Tuta absoluta. It mainly attacks the leaf and, on advancement, affects the other parts (Illakwahhi et al., 2017; Alam et al., 2019). Larva of this insect mines on the fruit, stem and leaves of tomato. Common signs and symptoms of Tuta absoluta on fruit and stems include puncture marks, abnormal shape, exit holes, rot due to secondary infective agents. Fruits show puncture marks on the surface where the larva has entered the plant. Leaves dry out completely and flying moths can be seen around the plant in the severe condition. 3.7.3 Most damaging stage of crop byTuta absoluta Tuta absoluta effects in all stages of crop however the damage mostly occurs in early stages compared to late stages of crops. According to the survey results (Table 7), 57.1% farmers faced the damages in all stages while 23.2% and 17.9% of farmers faced damage in vegetative and fruiting stages of crop respectively. Only 1.8% of farmers faced damage in ripening stages of crop. Table 7 Damaging stages of crops by TLM in Godawari, Lalitpur Stage of crop Frequency Percentage (%) Vegetative 13 23.2 Fruiting 10 17.9 Ripening 1 1.8 Equally in all growth stages 32 57.1 Total 56 100 Source: Field survey (2023) 3.7.4 Ranking of Tuta absoluta out of many problems Tuta absoluta was found the most problematic of all problems among 64.3% of the respondent, more problematic than other insects, pest, disease and disorders among 23.2% and as problematic as other insects and pest, diseases and disorder among 8.9% of respondents (Figure 4). It was not as problematic as other insects, pests, diseases and disorder among 3.6% of the respondents. The result showed that the havoc of Tuta absoluta was the highest in Lalitpur. 3.7.5 Knowledge level on life cycle of Tuta absoluta It can be seen that out of the 70 respondents, 81% were unaware about the life cycle of Tuta absoluta (Figure 5). Only 19% of them had knowledge on the life cycle of this insect.