
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 223-236 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 225 2.5.2 Secondary data Sources of secondary data was annual reports, pamphlets, records of zone, and various Agricultural and horticultural agencies, NGO’s and INGO’s. Publications and websites of FAO, MOALD will be made accessible for withdrawal of data. 2.6 Data analysis techniques The various assistive media for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gathered data were statistical package for social science (SPSS) and Excel. Information collected from household survey, focus group discussion, case study was coded first and entered into computer. Data entry was done by using SPSS, Microsoft excel and descriptive analysis was done to analyse the data. The data like name, age, year, educational status, occupation and some sensitive data and impact of the Tuta absoluta and control measures followed by tomato farmers was studied by estimating frequency, percentage, charts and diagrams and other such tools was used to present the data. Preferential ranking was done by indexing: I imp = Ʃ (Si×fi/N) Where, I imp = Index of importance; Si= scale value; N= No. of respondents; fi= Frequency of importance given by respondents 3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Sociodemographic characteristics of farmers The study results show that 71% of total farmers were the age group of 30-50 followed by 16% were under 30 and 13% were above 50 years. The percentage of males was (57%) and females was (43%), which showed the satisfactory participation of women in agriculture activities compared to other programs. The majority of respondents were Janajati (47.1%) followed by Bramin/Chettri (41.4%). Four-point three percent of respondents belong to Dalit category while 7.1% of respondents belong to others, which includes madeshi, aadhibashi etc. Total 57% migrated from other various districts of Nepal in search of better opportunities whereas, only 43% were the permanent residents of Lalitpur. The main occupation of 75.7% of households was agriculture, followed by foreign employment (10%), service holders (86%) and business (5.7%). This means that agriculture is the main source of income for 75.7% of families in Godawari municipality, Lalitpur. Only about 28.6% percent of the tomato growers were involved in co-operatives/farmers groups whereas 71.4% percent were not involved in any co-operatives/farmers groups. 3.2 Education level of respondent The literacy level of the farmers has an impact on modernizing the agriculture framework and improvement in the practices (Pudasaini, 1983). The study revealed that 21.4 % were illiterate, 24.5% were only educated primarily, 45.7% were educated in secondary level whereas only 2.9% were educated in higher level (Figure 1). The study also shows that 5.7% were educated JT/JTA. 3.3 Land type and total land of farmers Most of the farmers 68.6% of them had rented the land for agricultural practices. Only 31.4% of farmers had their own land for agricultural practices. Total 83% of farmers have an irrigation system, whereas 8% of them are facing irrigation problems and 9% of them have land which can be both rainfed and irrigated artificially. The results revealed that total land holding of farmers ranges from 0.101 to 1.730 hectares with the mean of 0.376 (Table 1). Whereas area under tomato cultivation ranges from 0.050 to 1.272 hectare indicating the commercial tomato production.