
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 218-222 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 219 measures of direct and indirect effects, thus provide an insight on direct and indirect effect of each character towards yield (Kumar et al., 2018). This study is designed to search out high-yielding varieties/hybrids suitable for Rukum district and further explore the role of different traits contributing towards the yield of cucumber. 2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Experimental materials The experiment was carried out from March to July 2023 at Sisne rural municipality-6, East Rukum district. The seeds of seven varieties (Bhaktapur local, Ninja 179, Simran, Raja, Majesty, Dynasty, Garima) were brought from nearby Agrovet. The seeds were sown under protected conditions in each polybag. Soil and organic manure were used for the preparation of growing media. Seedlings were transplanted after three weeks. 2.2 Experimental designs The experiment was laid out on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The experiment consisted of seven varieties of cucumber as treatments. The size of the individual plot was maintained at 6 m2 (2 m×3 m) with plant spacing (100 cm×100 cm). Treatments were replicated three times. 2.3 Data analysis Plants were observed for different characteristics i.e., plant height, days to flowering of male and female flowers, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, and fruit weight. Data were recorded and coded using MS Excel. The data were analyzed for their mean performance, correlation, and path analysis using R, and results were interpreted accordingly. 3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Mean performance of different traits of cucumber genotypes The mean plant height of cucumber was 96.07 cm (Table 1) at 45 days after transplanting. The highest plant height was observed in Bhaktapur local (136.66 cm) while the shortest plant height was recorded in Ninja 179 (68.34 cm). The mean days to the first male and female flower after transplanting were 37.51 and 41.57 days respectively. The highest day to the first male and female flower emergence was observed in Bhaktapur local (45 and 52 days, respectively) while the lowest days to the first male and female flower were observed in Simran (34 and 35 days, respectively). Table 1 Mean comparison of various traits Treatment PH(cm) MF FF NFPP FL (cm) FW(g) TNH YPPN (kg) YPP (kg) Garima 104.56b 36bc 40bc 6.00b 20.14b 289.76bc 5.06b 1.74b 10.45b Simran 98.83b 34c 35c 5.20c 18.77bcd 290.26bc 4.90b 1.50bc 9.05bc Raja 77.13cd 37bc 43b 4.73de 17.62d 299.16bc 4.67bc 1.42c 8.48c Dynasty 85.33c 36bc 39bc 4.53e 18.42cd 295.34bc 4.36c 1.34c 8.09c Ninja 179 68.34d 40b 44b 5.00cd 19.40bc 311.67b 4.70bc 1.55bc 9.35bc Bhaktapur local 136.66a 45a 52a 5.92b 23.63a 441.00a 5.10b 2.60a 15.65a Majesty 101.53b 35c 38bc 6.53a 19.61bc 247.50c 5.73a 1.60bc 9.67bc LSD 10.53*** 4.43** 6.15** 0.44*** 1.51*** 53.33*** 3.92** 0.28*** 1.69*** SEM(±) 1.29 0.54 0.75 0.05 0.18 6.54 0.07 0.03 0.21 CV% 6.16 6.54 8.26 4.60 4.32 9.65 5.15 9.38 9.38 Grandmean 96.05 37.57 41.57 5.42 19.65 310.67 4.93 1.68 10.11 Note: PH= Plant Height, DFMF= Days to flowering of male flowers, DFFF= Days to flowering of female flowers, NFPP= Number of fruits per plant, FL= Fruit length, FW= Fruit weight, TNH= Total number of harvest, YPPNT= Yield per plant, YPP= Yield per plot, LSD=Least Significant Difference, SEM= Standard Error of Mean, CV=Coefficient of Variation, **p<0.05, ***p<0.001