
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 207-217 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 215 3.2.6 Root weight Statistically, root weight were found to be significant (Table 12). Root weight was found more in neem mulch (1.7 gm) and lowest root weight was found in control (0.7 gm). Table 10 Effect of mulching on bulb weight Treatments 100DAT Control 63.9b Sawdust mulch 66.0b Straw mulch 96.1ab Banana leaves mulch 117.3a Neemmulch 107.3a White polythene mulch 119.5a Rice husk mulch 106.2a Pvalue 0.010 LSD 32.5 CV(%) 18.9 Grandmean 96.6 SEM(±) 5.70 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value Table 11 Effect of mulching on root length Treatments 100DAT Control 5.6c Sawdust mulch 6.0c Straw mulch 6.3bc Banana leaves mulch 8.1a Neemmulch 7.8a White polythene mulch 7.8a Rice husk mulch 7.3ab Pvalue <0.001 LSD 1.01 CV(%) 8.07 Grandmean 7 SEM(±) 0.23 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value Table 12 Effect of mulching on root weight Treatments 100DAT Control 0.7e Sawdust mulch 1.0de Straw mulch 1.1bcd Banana leaves mulch 1.3bc Neemmulch 1.7a White polythene mulch 1.4ab Rice husk mulch 1cd Pvalue <0.001 LSD 0.32 CV(%) 15.4 Grandmean 1.6 SEM(±) 0.08 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value