
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 207-217 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 214 Table 8 Effect of mulching on bulb length Treatments 100DAT Control 4.1c Sawdust mulch 4.6b Straw mulch 5.4a Banana leaves mulch 5.4a Neemmulch 5.3a White polythene mulch 5.7a Rice husk mulch 4.8b Pvalue <0.001 LSD 0.4 CV(%) 4.6 Grandmean 5.1 SEM(±) 0.12 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value 3.2.3 Shoot weight Maximum shoot weight was seen in straw mulch of 97.7 gm (Table 9). The difference in shoot weight was significant. Banana leaves mulch 82.9 gm was obtained followed by white polythene mulch and lowest shoot weight was seen in control 36.8 gm. Table 9 Effect of mulching on shoot weight Treatments 100DAT Control 36.8c Sawdust mulch 38.5c Straw mulch 97.7a Banana leaves mulch 82.9ab Neemmulch 57.1bc White polythene mulch 65.2bc Rice husk mulch 56.1bc Pvalue <0.001 LSD 30.2 CV(%) 27.3 Grandmean 62.04 SEM(±) 5.44 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value 3.2.4 Bulb weight Mulching was found to have positive impact on bulb weight of onion (Table 10). Mulching provides favorable soil microclimate along with availability of soil moisture at critical periods of plant growth. It enhances greater bulb weight. Fresh weight of 10 onion were studied as quantitative parameter. Highest bulb weight found on white polythene mulch (119.5 gm) followed by Banana leaves mulch (117.3 gm) and lowest was found on non-mulched control plots weighed (63.9 gm). Statistically on all mulch treatment weight found to be more than that of control plot. Bulb size,development and all agronomic parameters of onion were improved by organic mulch (Parsottambhai and Rawat, 2020). 3.2.5 Root length The result showed that root length found to be longer i.e. (8.1 cm) in banana leaves mulch and found to be shorter length in control (5.6 cm) (Table 11).