
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 207-217 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 213 3.1.5 Neck length There was significant effect of mulching materials in neck length at (P<0.01) (Table 6). White polythene mulch (9.9 cm) had longest neck length followed by banana leaves, neem leaves and shortest length was recorded on control (5.7 cm). Table 6 Effect of mulching on neck length Treatments 100DAT Control 5.7d Sawdust mulch 7.2cd Straw mulch 8.3bc Banana leaves mulch 9.3ab Neem leaves mulch 9.0a White polythene mulch 9.9a Rice husk mulch 7.2cd Pvalue <0.001 LSD 1.6 CV(%) 11.4 Grandmean 8.08 SEM(±) 0.34 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value 3.2 Effect of mulching in yield attributing characters 3.2.1 Bulb diameter The effect of mulching materials in bulb diameter is shown in Table 7. There was significant effect of mulching in bulb diameter of onion. Highest bulb was obtained in banana leaves(7.1 mm) followed by white polythene mulch, neem mulch, straw mulch and lowest bulb was observed in control (4.9 mm). Higher the soil temperature, more elongated the bulbs (Yamaguchi et al., 1975). So that increased soil temperature may be one reason for higher bulb diameter under these mulches. Table 7 Effect of mulching on bulb diameter Treatments 100DAT Control 4.9e Sawdust mulch 5.8d Straw mulch 6.2c Banana leaves mulch 7.1a Neemmulch 6.9a White polythene mulch 7.0a Rice husk mulch 6.6b Pvalue <0.001 LSD 0.3 CV(%) 2.8 Grandmean 6.4 SEM(±) 0.17 Note: LSD= Least significant difference, SEM= Standard error of mean, CV= Coefficient of variation, P value= Probability value 3.2.2 Bulb length Table 8 shows effect of mulching on bulb length. All mulch plots had plants with greater length than the control plot. It showed there was significant effect of mulching in bulb length. Highest bulb length was obtained in white polythene mulch (5.7 cm) followed by straw mulch. Similar result was seen in banana leaf mulch. Control (4.1 cm) showed the lowest bulb length on mulching.These results are more or less similar to those obtained by Baten et al. (1995) and Chhangani (1998).