
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 186-194 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 190 Figure 2 Educational status of the respondents in the study area (Source: Field survey, 2023) 2.1.5 Major occupation of the respondents Majority of the respondents were involved in agriculture (71.7%) whereas 1.7% sustained their livelihood by wages. Similarly, 15% were involved in public service and 5% in business activity (Table 3). Table 3 Distribution of the respondents by occupation in the study area Source of income Frequency Percent (%) Agriculture 47 78.3 Public service 9 15.0 Wages 1 1.7 Business 3 5.0 Total 60.0 100.0 Source: Field survey, 2023 2.1.6 Population distribution of the household The average household size of the respondents was found to be 5.78 persons per household in the study area which was higher than the district average 4.19 persons per household (CBS, 2021) with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 11 persons per household in the study area. Both male and female members of the family were equally involved in potato farming. In the study area, average male and female members involved in potato farming was found to be 1.4 and 1.35 per household (Table 4). Table 4 Population distribution in the study area Members in family Frequency Percent (%) Up to 4 (small) 29 48.3 5-8 (medium) 24 40.0 More than 8 (large) 7 11.7 Total 60 100.0 Mean 5.7833 - Standard deviation 1.99229 - Maximum 1.00 - Minimum 11.00 - Source: Field survey, 2023