
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 186-194 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 189 Table 1 Age of the respondents in the study area Age groups Frequency Percent (%) Under 25 5 8.3 25-35 9 15.0 35-45 12 20.0 45-55 21 35.0 55-65 7 11.7 Above 65 6 10.0 Total 60 100.0 Source: Field survey, 2023 Table 2 Distribution of the respondents by religion in the study area Religion Frequency Percent (%) Hindu 48 80.0 Buddhist 12 20.0 Total 60 100.0 Source: Field survey, 2023 2.1.3 Ethnicity of the respondents Out of the total respondents, 45% respondents belonged to Brahmin ethnic group, 16.67% respondent belonged to Chhetri ethnic group, 25% of respondent belonged to Janajati ethnic group, 3.33% of respondents belonged to Dalit ethnic group and 10% belonged to others (Figure 1). Figure 1 Ethnicity status of the respondents of the study area (Source: Field survey, 2023) 2.1.4 Education status of the respondents The study showed that the highest 31.7% of farmers were illiterate, 25% of farmers were able to read and write, 8.3% had primary level, 6.7% of farmers had secondary level, 20% had done see, 6.7% had attained intermediate level and only 1.7% of farmers were graduate (Figure 2). Despite of being the majority of the respondents being illiterate, they were eager to learn about new techniques.