
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 186-194 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 188 1.2.2 Gross margin analysis Gross margin is the difference between the gross return and the incurred variable costs. Planning activities or analyzing a farm business in this way was easy and quick. For the examination of the gross margin, only variable costs were taken into account. The calculation formula is as follows: GM=GR−TVC Where, GM = Gross Margin; GR = Gross Return = Price of potato * Total quantity marketed; TVC = Total Variable Cost 1.2.3 Benefit-cost analysis It is the ratio between the gross return and total cost of any business. It provides information about the investment done on the resources will give a profitable return or not. The calculation formula is as follows: BCR = GR/TVC Where, BCR = Benefit cost ratio; GR = Gross revenue; TVC = Total variable cost 1.2.4 Marketing margin and producer’s share Marketing margin is the difference between the farm-gate price received by the farmer and the retailer’s price paid by the consumer. The calculation formula is as follows: Marketing margin = Retailer’s price (Pr) - Farmgate price (Pf) Producer’s share is the price received by the farmer expressed as a percentage of the retail price, i.e., the price paid by the consumers. The calculation formula is as follows: Producer’s share = Farm gate price (Pr)/ Retailer’s price (Pf) * 100 1.2.5 Index of production and marketing problems Scaling technique provides the direction and attitude of the respondents towards propositions. Farmer's perception towards the production and marketing problems was represented by five-point scale. The scale value of 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2 was used. 1 indicated most serious whereas 0.2 indicated least serious. The calculation formula is as follows: Iimp=Σ( Sifi N ) Where, limp = Index of importance; Σ = Summation; Si = Scale value; fi = Frequency of importance given by the respondents; N = Total number of respondents 2 Results and Analysis 2.1 Household and farm characteristics 2.1.1 Age of the respondents Majority of the respondents in the study area were between the age group 45-55 (35%) and minimum (8.3%) were under 25 (Table 1). 2.1.2 Religion of the respondents The study revealed that two religion groups were found namely, Hindu and Buddhist. It was revealed that 80% of the respondents were Hindu and 20% were Buddhist (Table 2).