
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 175-185 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 177 Figure 1 Environmental conditions of the laboratory during the experimental period 1.4 Data collection Two parameters viz. physical and chemical were recorded for observation at an interval of 2 days starting from the days of storage till the shelf life of the fruits. The following data were collected in this experiment. 1.4.1 Physical observations Three fruits of non-destructive sample from each treatment combination of every replication were kept recording the shelf life of the fruit, physiological loss in weight (PLW), and fruit firmness. 1.4.2 Chemical observations 10 fruits of destructive sample from each treatment and each replication were chemically analyzed to record the total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), pulp pH, and TSS: TA ratio. 1.5 Method of recording observation 1.5.1 Physiological loss in weight (%) PLW Physiological loss in weight was determined at every 3-day interval from non-destructive sampling. An electronic digital balance was used to measure the fruit weight. Initial weight was recorded at the 1st days of storage from the freshly harvested fruits. Physiological weight loss was determined by using the following formulae (Moneruzzaman et al., 2009). PLW (%) = (IW-FW) *100/IW Where, PLW=Physiological loss in weight; IW=Initial weight (g); FW=Final weight (g) 1.5.2 Fruit firmness (kg/cm2) The firmness of the fruits will be taken after treatment at 3-day intervals with the use of an instrument penetrometer (Model GY-3, No. 400102024). The peak puncture force (g) was used as a measure of the firmness of fruits (Meng et al., 2014). With the help of a penetrometer, firmness will be taken from two points from the fruit and the average of these values will be considered as the actual firmness. 1.5.3 Total soluble solids (ºBrix) TSS TSS of mango fruit was measured by using a handheld refractometer. The measurement is done by dripping the fruit juice on the prism of the refractometer with the help of a clean pipette. TSS value is expressed by %Brix. The