
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 169-174 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 172 1.3 Data collection Pomological data for all the 10 varieties were determined according to the method of Neupane et al. (2023). Length, width and thickness of both fruit and seed, epidermal thickness were measured using analog linear vernier caliper of model 150 manufactured by Bharat tools Company. Weight was measured using portable digital weighing balance of Mettler-Toledo GmbH Company. Length of the fruit and seed were taken from base to the tip while width and thickness were taken from the broadest middle part. Length, width and thickness were measured in centimeter (cm) and weight was measured in gram (gm). 2 Results and Discussion Results of this research showed that maximum fruit length (14.02 cm) and maximum seed length (12.23 cm) was recorded in variety Nam Dok Mai, maximum fruit width (7.64 cm) and maximum seed width (4.23 cm) was seen in variety Mallika, maximum fruit weight (346 gm) was recorded in varieties Kalkatiya and Mallika whereas minimum fruit length (7.27 cm) and minimum seed length (6.03 cm) was found in Jarda, minimum fruit width (4.97 cm), minimum seed width (2.8 cm) and minimum fruit weight (121 gm) was recorded in Dasheri (Table 1; Table 2). These findings are consistent with the results of Islam et al. (2019). In the research of Islam et al. (2019), fruit length, width and weight of Amrapali were 11.1 cm, 7.13 cm, and 229.33 gm, respectively, which is almost similar to the findings of this research. Table 1 Fruit length, fruit width and fruit weight of different varieties of mango Treatment Fruit length (cm) Fruit width (cm) Fruit weight (gm) Amrapali 8.99 6.15 195 Bombay 8.43 6.31 183 Baramasi 9.85 5.94 228 Kalkatiya 11.01 8 346 Dasheri 7.62 4.97 121 NamDokMai 14.02 6.22 281 Jarda 7.27 5.68 135 Malda 8.53 6.27 232 Mallika 10.76 7.64 346 Neelam 7.72 5.9 151 f-probability <0.001*** <0.001*** <0.001*** CV% 8.2 5.5 20.8 S.Em± 0.38 0.16 15.92 Note: * , * * , *** represent significance at 5%, 1% and 0.1% respectively Table 2 Seed length, seed width, seed weight, seed thickness and epidermal thickness of different varieties of mango Treatment Seed length (cm) Seed width (cm) Seed weight (gm) Seed thickness (cm) Epidermal thickness (cm) Amrapali 7.18 3.09 27.8 1.8 0.113 Bombay 6.49 3.34 30.6 2.09 0.333 Baramasi 7.89 3.13 41 2.08 0.153 Kalkatiya 8.72 3.92 30.5 2.16 0.207 Dasheri 6.44 2.8 22.7 1.91 0.147 NamDokMai 12.23 3.06 27.3 1.56 0.163 Jarda 6.03 3.33 31.9 2.05 0.157 Malda 6.65 3.57 32.3 1.94 0.177 Mallika 8.62 4.23 37.9 1.78 0.153 Neelam 6.26 3.48 23 1.71 0.263 f-probability <0.001*** <0.001*** 0.0021** 0.0092** <0.001*** CV% 10.3 6.8 14.3 8.5 12.4 S.Em± 0.35 0.08 1.21 0.04 0.01 Note: * , * * , *** represent significance at 5%, 1% and 0.1% respectively