
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 163-168 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 166 Maximum percentage of hermaphrodite flower per inflorescence (94.1%) was recorded in Bombay followed by Malda (83%) whereas it was minimum in Kalkatiya (50.8%). Maximum percentage of hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence (49.24%) was recorded in Kalkatiya followed by Amrapali (44.85%) whereas it was minimum in Bombay (5.93%) (Table 3; Figure 3). These findings are similar with the findings of (Kumar et al., 2014) and (Sinha et al., 2018) who recorded highest percentage of hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence in Amrapali (48.45%). Table 2 Inflorescence length (cm), width (cm), Number of male and hermaphrodite flower per inflorescence and sex ratio of different varieties of mango Varieties Inflorescence Length (cm) Inflorescence Width (cm) Male flower (No./inflorescence) Hermaphrodite flower (No./inflorescence) Sex ratio T1: Amrapali 26.6 17.6 279 230.7 1.25 T2: Bombay 26.7 15.1 1363 79.3 19.63 T3: Baramasi 27.9 14.5 462 69.7 7.76 T4: Kalkatiya 20.9 11.3 195 174 1.13 T5: Dasheri 27.2 19.7 927 193 4.21 T6: Nam Dok Mai 30.9 14.7 377 192.7 2.21 T7: Jarda 31.9 13.8 330 174 2.01 T8:Malda 27.9 12.7 633 124 6.02 T9: Mallika 30 19.2 705 168 8.63 T10: Neelam 25.5 13.9 614 59 13.29 f-probability 0.0861ns 0.2221ns 0.09109ns 0.00996** 0.0673ns CV% 14.4 26.3 24.8 15.6 27.9 S.Em± 0.81 0.77 28.96 13.82 1.46 Note: ‘ns’ represent the values are non-significant; *, **, *** represent significance at 5%, 1% and 0.1% respectively Table 3 Percentage of male and hermaphrodite flower of different varieties of mango Varieties % male flowers per inflorescence % hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence T1: Amrapali 55.2 44.85 T2: Bombay 94.1 5.93 T3: Baramasi 81.3 18.71 T4: Kalkatiya 50.8 49.24 T5: Dasheri 70.7 29.34 T6: Nam Dok Mai 66.3 33.71 T7: Jarda 62.5 37.52 T8:Malda 83 17.03 T9: Mallika 73.7 26.3 T10: Neelam 90.7 9.26 f-probability 0.01128* 0.01128* CV% 18.2 23.7 S.Em± 3.25 3.15 Note: ‘ns’ represent the values are non-significant; *, **, *** represent significance at 5%, 1% and 0.1% respectively 3 Concluding Remarks In conclusion, there is huge variation among the mango varieties in term of floral characters. This gives breeder the opportunity to develop improved varieties using the variability of desirable genotypes. Moreover farmer gets the opportunity to select varieties in term of desirable characters.