
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 163-168 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 164 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Experiment material The present experiment was conducted in a pre-established orchard of Tropical Horticulture Centre, Sarlahi district, Madesh Province during February-June, 2023.The experiment was conducted on 10 mango varieties vizAmrapali, Bombay, Baramasi, Kalkatiya, Dasheri, Nam Dok Mai, Jarda, Malda, Mallika and Neelam. 1.2 Experimental design The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, where a single tree represents a unit of replication. A total of 30 randomly selected trees three from each variety were tagged. One inflorescence from each selected full bloomed tree was taken for reading their physical characteristics like length of the inflorescence, width of the inflorescence, number of male flower per inflorescence, number of hermaphrodite flower per inflorescence, sex ratio. 1.3 Data collection Floral data from 10 varieties of mango were recorded according to the Morpho-Physical characters of mango flower (Saheda et al., 2019). The length of the inflorescence was measured from the base to the tip while width of the inflorescence was measured at the broadest part of the base of the inflorescence. Male and hermaphrodite flowers were counted manually using forceps. Sex ratio, % of male flower and % of hermaphrodite flower were calculated as follows: 2 Results and Discussion 2.1 Inflorescence characteristics In term of color and shape of the inflorescence, a wide variation was noticed among the varieties. All the varieties have pentamerous type of flower at terminal position. The inflorescence color of varieties varied from light green to crimson. Dasheri, Jarda, Malda expressed light green color of inflorescence, Amrapali and Baramasi showed green colored inflorescence whereas Bombay, Kalkatiya, Mallika, Neelam exhibited crimson colored inflorescence and yellowish green colored inflorescence was seen in Nam Dok Mai (Figure 1). Dasheri and Neelam has broad pyramidal shaped inflorescence but Mallika exhibited pyramidal shaped inflorescence. Similar findings were also reported by (Saheda et al., 2019). It was observed that, among 10 mango varieties Amrapali, Bombay, Baramasi, Malda and Mallika showed pyramidal shaped inflorescence, Kalkatiya, Nam Dok Mai and Jarda exhibited conical shaped inflorescence and Dasheri, Neelam recorded broad pyramidal shaped inflorescences (Table 1). Results of this research showed that maximum length of the inflorescence (31.9 cm) was recorded in Jarda, Maximum width of the inflorescence (19.7 cm) was recorded in Dasheri, maximum male flowers per inflorescence (1363) and maximum sex ratio (19.63) were seen in Bombay and maximum hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence (230.7) was seen in Amrapali whereas minimum length (20.9 cm) and width (11.3) of the inflorescence (Figure 2), less number of male flowers per inflorescence (195) and minimum sex ratio (1.13) were recorded in Kalkatiya but minimum hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence (59) was recorded in Neelam (Table 2).