
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 156-162 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 160 using chemical herbicides, it is important to follow pesticide use regulations and opt for environmentally friendly products whenever possible. 7.3 Biological weeding Biological weeding is an environmentally friendly method of weed management, involving the introduction of natural weed predators or the use of biological agents to control weed growth (Ani et al., 2018). For example, certain insects, bacteria, or fungi can be used to inhibit weed reproduction and spread. This method not only reduces the use of chemicals but also helps maintain ecological balance. 7.4 Mulching Mulching materials (such as black plastic film, straw, or weed mats) have multiple functions in dragon fruit cultivation. They can effectively prevent weed growth, retain moisture, regulate temperature, and improve soil structure. Mulching materials should be laid around the plants and regularly checked for effectiveness, with replacements made as necessary. Weed management in dragon fruit cultivation should combine manual, mechanical, chemical, and biological methods, selecting the most suitable strategy based on specific conditions. Proper weed management can not only enhance the yield and quality of dragon fruit but also promote sustainable agricultural development. 8 Plant Protection Measures 8.1 Diseases Anthracnose: Anthracnose can be controlled by pre-harvest spraying with Mancozeb (2 g/lit), Carbendazim (1 g/lit), Thiophanate methyl (1 g/lit), or Chlorothalonil (2 g/lit), three times at a 15 d interval. Brown Spot: Cleanup in the field (collection and disposal of fallen diseased fruits, leaves and vines). vines can be pruned to have less density, which will make the crop less humid. copper-based fungicides sprayed on time. 8.2Pest Aphids: Prune to avoid a dense canopy, avoid intercropping with different hosts, and improve natural enemies by incorporating agroforestry and flower strips as natural habitats around the field. Spray Lambda, Cyhalothrin, Cypermethrin, Amidacloprid, Acetamipride, etc. at a rate of 1 m/ L of water. Mealybugs: Spray profenophos 50 EC @ 2 mL, acephate 75 SP @ 1 g/L, quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 mL, chlorpyriphos 25 EC @ 2 mL, or thiodicarb 75 WP @ 2 g/L. 9 Flowering and Fruiting The off-white dragon fruit flower blooms at night. Pollinators are drawn to them by their scent. Early in the morning is the best time to pollinate the dragon fruit with honey bees (Apis cerema), little honey bees (Apis florae), and rock bees (Apis dorsata). Around semi-arid regions, dragon fruit flowering begins in June. Under standard cultivation procedures, there were five harvests total, but with good management techniques, two more flushes were collected each year. Large numbers of blossoms will be visible on every plant when the first flowering begins after a protracted dry period. A maximum of 80 blooms should be kept on each pole at a time after blossom thinning. Pay close attention as well. 10 Harvesting and Yields After 12 to 15 months from the date of planting, the plant begins to produce. The fruits are produced by the plants between June and September, and they may be harvested three or four times per month. The fruit weight varied from 300 to 800 grams, and the three-year-old planting produced an average yield of 30 to 35 kilograms from a single post. The annual yield of dragon fruit is typically 8-10 tonnes/ha.