
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 156-162 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 158 3.3 Costarican sunset Costarican Sunset is a variety that features bright red skin with vibrant red flesh. It is appreciated for its juicy texture and balanced sweetness. This variety has a strong growth habit and can produce abundant yields under optimal conditions. Costarican Sunset is particularly popular in Nepal due to its high market demand and appealing appearance. 3.4 White pitaya White pitaya is distinguished by its white flesh and red or yellow skin. It has a mildly sweet flavor with a hint of tartness, making it a refreshing choice for consumers. This variety is well-suited to the Nepali climate and is relatively easy to cultivate. White pitaya is also known for its long shelf life and versatility in culinary uses. The cultivation of these varieties in Nepal has been driven by the increasing demand for exotic fruits and the suitability of the country's climate for dragon fruit farming. Farmers are continually experimenting with different varieties to improve yield, taste, and marketability. The choice of variety depends on several factors, including local climate conditions, soil type, and market preferences. 4 Training and Pruning The dragon fruit vine requires support from concrete, wooden poles, or wall columns because it is an epiphytic climbing cactus. Aerial roots must be linked to the column by an immature stem in order for them to develop and grow. Only a few primary stems are permitted to grow, while lateral shoots are prohibited. Concrete or hard wood posts are advised since the chosen column must have long durability and strength to sustain the weight of a vine canopy greater than 100 kg. Typically, a 2 m tall cement pole or post is used for this, and it must be buried 30 to 40 cm beneath the surface of the earth. For drooping the stems downward side, the concrete circular or rectangular frame or trye is fixed on the top of pole. or steel wires. 5 Manures and Fertilizer In dragon fruit cultivation, it's crucial to fertilize plants twice: once in early spring and again after the plants finish flowering. The general recommended dose for fertilization is 70:90:40 NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) per year per plant. Nitrogen is a vital nutrient that promotes vigorous vegetative growth, improving leaf and stem development. It is particularly important during the early growth stages of dragon fruit plants (Hariyanto et al., 2023). Excessive nitrogen, however, can lead to excessive vegetative growth at the expense of fruit production, so careful management is necessary. Phosphorus is crucial for root development and enhances the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. It also plays a key role in flower and fruit formation, thus directly affecting the yield (Hariyanto et al., 2023). Phosphorus should be applied at moderate levels to avoid deficiency symptoms such as stunted growth and poor flowering. Potassium contributes to the overall health of the plant by regulating physiological functions such as water uptake, enzyme activation, and protein synthesis. It is particularly important for improving fruit size, quality, and shelf life. A balanced supply of potassium ensures that the dragon fruit has good texture and taste. In addition to chemical fertilizers, the application of organic manures like compost is highly beneficial for dragon fruit plants. Compost should be applied at a rate of 10-15 kg per plant. Organic manure improves soil structure, increases microbial activity, and enhances the soil’s water-holding capacity. It also provides a slow-release source of nutrients, promoting sustainable plant growth. 6 Water Management The shallow root system of dragon fruit is primarily distributed between 15 to 30 cm of soil. Therefore, irrigation must be ensured to provide sufficient water during dry seasons. Scientific irrigation methods significantly impact the growth and yield of dragon fruit, with drip irrigation being considered one of the most effective methods.