
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 135-141 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 140 2.2.3 Grading Grading was done in potatoes based on weight. It was categorized into 3 sizes, small-sized tuber (<50 gm), medium-sized tuber ranging (50-100 gm), and large-sized tuber ranging (> 100 gm). The ANOVA results showed a significant difference in graded tuber numbers of 0-50 gm, 50-100 gm, and above 100 gm due to varietal effect at a 5% level of significance (Table 5). Maximum tuber number (< 50 gm) was observed in the cardinal variety (68.83/m2) while the minimum for the Khumal Seto variety (44.67/m2). But, the maximum number of (50-100) gm and (>100) gm tubers were observed in the Khumal Seto variety (16.67, 8.25/m2) and minimum in the cardinal variety (6.25, 0.67/m2) respectively. The mulching had a significant effect on tuber number for tubers graded under two categories, (50-100) gm and (>100) gm, with the highest number in black plastic mulch than others, whereas it was not significant for the grade (<50 gm). There was no statistically significant difference in the numbers of the graded tuber of size (<50 gm) and (50-100 gm) from the interaction. However, experimental data presented that graded tuber numbers significantly vary for size (>100 gm) due to the interaction effect (Table 4). The maximum number was observed for the variety Khumal Seto in black plastic mulching (12.67) followed by organic mulching (8.67) which was statistically similar to silver plastic mulching (8.33) in Khumal Seto variety. In addition, the Khumal Seto variety in the control treatment (3.33) had higher tuber numbers of (>100 gm) grade than that of the cardinal variety in black (1), silver plastic (0.33) and organic mulching (1.33). Tuber numbers for (>100 gm) grade were null for cardinal variety in the control treatment. (Kadar et al., 2017) findings explained that black mulch provides proper aeration, moisture, and optimal temperature in the root zone producing a good number of medium and large-sized tubers. The increased number of large-sized tubers in black plastic mulch is also attributed to elevated soil temperature, reduced weed competition, improved nutrient uptake, and better soil moisture regimes (Ibarra-Jiménez et al., 2011). 3 Concluding Remarks This study explored the impact of various mulching materials on the growth and yield of two potato varieties, Khumal Seto and Cardinal, in the Achham district of Nepal. The findings showed that Khumal seto variety and Black plastic mulch had interactive and additive effects in a significant increase in potato yield. The Khumal Seto variety of potatoes showed superior performance in vegetative growth than the cardinal variety. For the cardinal variety, the yield was too low and its tuber size above 100 gm was null in control conditions. Additionally, black plastic mulch was found to be a more suitable mulching material compared to silver plastic mulch and organic mulch for all the parameters. Thus the results confirm that mulching materials significantly affect the potato’s growing environment by regulating the soil temperature, moisture and optimizing nutrient utilization, thereby increasing yield. It underscores the importance of selecting appropriate mulching materials to enhance agricultural productivity of specific potato varieties in particular regions of Nepal. Future research should prioritize the role of mulching in disease and pest management to recommend mulch as an integrated beneficial apporach to potato cultivation. Author’s contributions SG was involved in identifying the research idea and designing the experiments. SG along with PB, AR, NA, and PG supported during the whole research, data analysis and drafting of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments The authors express gratitude to the potato farmers of Achham and the whole PMAMP, PIU, Achham for their support and guidance in the research process. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.