
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 135-141 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 136 tasks causing minimum alterations in the soil environment (Ahmed et al., 2017). Mulching also contributes to higher water use efficiency by plants, higher yields, and greater economic benefits. Thus, our aim in the study was to assess the effectiveness of mulching materials on enhancing the growth parameters and yield of selected varieties of potato at the field condition of Achham, Nepal. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Experiment design An experiment was conducted from Feb to June 2022 under the Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project, Project Implementation Unit, Achham, Nepal. The experiment was carried out in two factorial RCBD designs with varieties (Khumal seto and Cardinal) and mulching materials (Table 1). In total, there were eight distinct treatments (Table 2). Table 1 Factors details used in the study Factor Symbol Variety Khumal Seto V1 Cardinal V2 Mulching materials Black plastic mulch A1 Silver plastic mulch A2 Organic mulch A3 Control A4 Table 2 Treatment details used in the study S.N Name of treatment Symbol Treatment 1. Khumal Seto + Black plastic V1*A1 T1 2. Khumal Seto + Silver Plastic V1*A2 T2 3. Khumal Seto+ Organic Mulch V1*A3 T3 4. Khumal Seto + Control V1*A4 T4 5. Cardinal + Black plastic V2*A1 T5 6. Cardinal + Silver Plastic V2*A2 T6 7. Cardinal + Organic Mulch V2*A3 T7 8. Cardinal + Control V2*A4 T8 1.2 Treatments The ploughing was done about 3-4 times followed by harrowing to make soil free from large soil clods and weeds before sowing. Beds were made up of (1.5*0.5*0.3) m size, ridges and furrows were made on it and mulches were kept above ridges. Each treatment plot was (3.5*1.5) m in size. The spacing was 70 cm × 30 cm (row to row × plant to plant). Seed rate was 1.5 t/ha. For sowing, graded, medium-sized tubers (about 30-50 gm), healthy and well-sprouted seed tubers were selected. Different mulching materials as per the treatments were placed in ridges in the soil and holes were made in them at 30 cm spacing according to plant distance. Planting of tubers was done in the holes at a 15 cm depth in the soil. Each treatment had 5 rows and 5 plants per row thus, in total there were 25 potato tubers of uniform size per treatment. In the case of organic mulch, first tuber sowing was performed and then organic mulch was placed over it. Urea: P2O5: K2O was added in the following proportions: 132.3: 217.4: 100 kg and FYM at 30 t/ha respectively as per the recommended dose for mid hills of Nepal (MOALD, 2020). Irrigation supply was done at intervals to the crop’s needs. Weeding was practiced three times at periodic intervals. Harvesting of potato was done after the stem and leaves turned brown after 98 days of sowing.