
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 127-134 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 132 3 Discussion The commercial baits used in this experiment in both trappings were able to attract the highest number of fruit flies; all of which were male. The Cue Lure attracted male counterparts of Z. tau and Z. cucurbitae (Table 3) while Methyl Eugenol Lure attracted male counterparts of B. dorsalis and B. zonata (Table 4). Among home-based baits, banana, and brewery liquor lure also attracted male flies similar to that in Methyl Eugenol Lure but the numbers were amongst the least (Table 4). The Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and yeast lure attracted both male and female flies. As per (Table 3; Table 4), the protein bait attracted adult fruit flies both male and female of Zeugodacus tau and Bactrocera minax species evident in this experiment while the banana lure attracted only male flies of genus Bactrocera species. For attracting female flies, yeast lure was found superior along with being cost-effective. Traps baited with attractant and insecticide can be a direct tool for pest control (Sarango et al., 2009). The commercial lures were able to attract only male fruit flies as also reported by (Adhikari et al, 2018). Bactrocera dorsalis were highly trapped in Methyl eugenol lure (Adhikari et al., 2018). Among home-based lures, Apple Cider Vinegar and Protein Hydrolysate performed better by attracting a diverse genre of flies that infest both fruits and vegetables (Division, 2017). The findings (Sumatra, 2012) also validated that the Brewery Waste solution and Tulsi lure attracted flies similar to that of the Methyl Eugenol lure but the numbers were least. Local-sourced banana baits or jaggery had equivalent effectiveness as protein hydrolysate bait (Mumford, 2006). Chinese fruit flies (Bactrocera minax) were more attributed to being trapped through hydrolyzed protein bait, which is in line with the results of (Sharma and Dahal, 2020). The baits made from apple cider vinegar, yeast lure and pumpkin were able to attract female fruit flies which was also depicted in the research by (Mumford, 2006). ACV captured both male and female species of Zeugodacus tau as per results from (Gupta and Regmi, 2022). The study of (Becher et al., 2012) also explained a similar conclusion that different volatile compounds were identified from the yeast fermentation of minimal media which are preferred by fruitflies. Similarly, results from (Kleiber, 2013) presented that Dipterans of the Drosophilidae family were found attracted to Apple Cider Vinegar while in the experiment at Maranthana, Pyuthan, Nepal; Dipterans of the Tephritidae family were also found attracted to it. The fruit fly management using male sex pheromone lures stands as an indirect method of fruit fly management. As a management approach rather than a control approach; it doesn’t kill all the male flies and hence the females still can mate and oviposit in the cucurbitaceous fruits and vegetables. The females have also shown some extent of interspecific mating. The findings were supported by (Schutze et al., 2018). Concerning the total number of insects trapped, a similar conclusion was derived by (Ekman, 2015), where the number of adult fruit flies trapped in the commercially used lures was relatively higher than others. A significant difference was noted between the adult fruit flies caught by different lures (Bharathi et al., 2004). 4 Conclusion The use of homemade and commercial lure-baited lynfield traps significantly captures fruitfly species and reduces the production cost and negative impact of pesticide residue. Furthermore, cue lure, and methyl eugenol along with lures based on Apple Cider Vinegar, Protein Hydrolysate, Brewery liquor, and Banana lure poisoned with malathion can be suggested for fruit fly management within the IPM as more a cost-effective approach. So, including this method in fruit fly management has been effective in minimizing fruitfly infestation in the studied mandarin farm areas of the Syangja district. Author’s contributions PA was involved in framing the research idea and designing the experiments.PA along with NA, KB, BL, RP, and SP was involved in conducting the research, data analysis and interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript. ML was involved in the supervision of the research and JS in the review process and figured final shape of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.