
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 127-134 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 130 2.2 Respective performance of lures on different fruit fly species 2.2.1 Response of Zeugodacus species of fruitfly to different traps Comparing the efficiency of attractants (Table 3) at a 5% level of significance, cue lure showed more effect on males of Zeugodacus tau (215.33) followed by ACV (51.33) and protein hydrolysate treatment (49.66). Methyl eugenol, mint lure, BWS, and banana lure did not affect capturing them. In contrast, methyl eugenol had a pronounced effect on females of Zeugodacus tau (50) species of fruitflies while cue lure had zero effect. Other treatments had a less significant effect. Similarly, traps baited with cue lure had a significant effect on Zeugodacus scutellaris sp. (60.67) while others didn’t record any of them. Cue lure also reported more population of male. Zeugodacus cucurbitae sp. (23.33) and ACV attracted 8 fruitflies of cucurbitae sp. No species of cucurbitae were observed in other lures. The less significant population of females of Zeugodacus cucurbitae was observed in either lure or traps (Table 3). Table 3 Number of Zeugodacus species in the lures as influenced by the use of different lures in the Mandarin Orchard of Syangja, Nepal 2022 Treatments Zeugodacus sp. ZT (Male) ZT (Female) ZS (Male) ZS (Female) ZC(Male) ZC (Female) Cue lure 215.33a 0.00e 60.67a 0.00a 23.33a 0.00b ME 0.00c 50.00a 0.00b 0.00a 0.00c 0.00b ACV 51.33b 13.67bc 0.00b 0.00a 8.00b 2.66a PH 49.66b 14.67b 0.00b 0.00a 1.00c 0.00b Mint Lure 0.00c 1.33e 0.00b 0.00a 0.00c 0.00b BWS 0.00c 3.33de 0.00b 0.00a 0.00c 0.00b Banana lure 0.00c 8.0cd 0.00b 0.00a 0.00c 0.00b Control 1.00c 0.00e 0.00b 0.00a 0.00c 0.00b LSD(0.05) 44.1 6.13 16.57 - 3.53 1.42 S.E(m) ± 44.53 2.02 5.46 - 1.16 0.47 F probability >0.001 >0.001 >0.001 - >0.001 >0.05 CV% 23.47 10.82 12.7 - 19.95 24.94 Grand mean 39.67 11.4 7.59 - 4.04 0.34 Note: Difference letter means in column with the same superscript are not significantly different by DMRT at 0.05 level, LSD: Least Significant Difference, ns: non-significant, CV: Coefficient of variation, SEM: Standard error of the mean, ♂: male, ♀: female The results showed that (Figure 1) population density of males of Zeugodacus tau was seen higher in Cue lure among commercial baits while was higher in ACV within home-based baits. Likewise, females of Zeugodacus tau were reported in Methyl eugenol trap among all in comparison. Figure 1 Population density of male and female Zeugodacus sp. trapped at the study sites