
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 44-58 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 49 Table 2 Age of respondents across the study area in Kalikot Variable Minimum Maximum Mean S.D Age of respondent 27 72 47.5 11.80551 Source: Field survey, 2023 Figure 1 Age group of the respondent 3.1.3 Education status of the respondent Education is the pillar of development. The educational status of farmers would play a significant role in socio-cultural and economic change in a society aiding the adoption of modern technology in the agriculture sector. For the study, the educational status of the respondents has been grouped into five categories: illiterate, primary, and lower secondary, secondary, higher secondary, and graduate. From the study, it was found (Table 3; Figure 2) that most of the respondents had a primary level of education (48.7%) followed by illiterate (24.4%), secondary (15.4%), higher secondary (9%), and graduate (2.6%). It shows that the majority of the apple growers in the study area were educated. Table 3 Educational status of the respondent Education level Frequency Percent (%) Illiterate 19 24.3 Primary and lower secondary level 38 48.7 Secondary level 12 15.4 Higher secondary level 7 9 Graduate 2 2.6 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 Figure 2 Educational status of the respondents