
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 89-98 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 97 For collectors, telephone call was the most reliable, easy and most frequently used source of price information, while retailers use different sources such as telephone call, neighbours and friends and radio and television broadcast for price information. None of the farmers get help from organizations about market conditions. Table 11 Retail price of different varieties of bean Variety Rate in average (Rs) Black bean 250 Red bean 180 Mixed bean 220 Table 12 Communication facility about market price Frequency Percent (%) Yes 13 21.7 No 47 78.3 Total 60 100 2.6 Analysis of marketing practices 2.6.1 Grading Bean sorting and grading was done on the basis of colour. All wholesalers and retailers had used grading before selling. 2.6.2 Packaging Almost all the producers in the study area were found to use plastic and jute bags for packaging during transportation. Retailers used small plastic bags for packaging. 2.7 Constraints in the bean sector 2.7.1 Constraints in production The primary challenges facing bean production include diseases and pests, which are the most significant problems. Another critical issue is the insufficient irrigation facilities. Additionally, producers face difficulties due to the unavailability of necessary inputs and a lack of technical knowledge. Labor shortages also pose a significant barrier to efficient bean production (Table 13). Table 13 Constraints in bean production Problem Index value Rank Diseases and insects 0.908 1 Lack of Irrigation 0.8003 2 Unavailability of inputs 0.5633 3 Lack of technical knowledge 0.42 4 Labor problem 0.2367 5 Note: Respondents were asked to rank the problems ranging from most serious problem to the least serious problem by assigning 5 to 1 scale 2.7.2 Constraints in marketing Marketing information was the major problem in marketing of beans (Table 14). Beside this, no other problems related to marketing of bean were reported in the study area. Table 14 Constraints in bean marketing Problem Index value Rank Middleman 0.84 1 Lack of market information 0.35 2 Lack of storage 0.335 3 Lack of transportation 0.23 4