
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 89-98 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 96 Table 7 Price satisfaction among producers Satisfaction level Frequency Very satisfied 0 Satisfied 39 (65%) Nor satisfied nor dissatisfied 4 (6.66%) Dissatisfied 9 (15%) Very dissatisfied 0 Table 8 Price decider Decider Frequency Producers 12 (20%) Buyers 45 (75%) Negotiation 3 (5%) 2.5 Economics of bean marketing 2.5.1 Marketing channel The beans were collected from farm gate in road accessible farms while in inaccessible farms the farmers poached their beans to the road accessible areas. The collection peak period was Ashoj and Kartik which stretched to late Kartik to early Mangsir. Usually, the beans were collected at farm gate at 150-200 NRs/kg. The marketing channel of bean in Kalikot was found to be of 3 major types. The major stakeholders of bean marketing in Kalikot were producers, collectors, wholesalers and retailers. Beans from producers reaches to consumers indirectly. It involves disposing beans to collector to wholesalers to retailers and finally to consumers. In other two channels, middleman is absent where wholesaler and cooperatives get bean directly from producer and disposed bean to retailer and finally to consumers. Most farmers use beans for their household consumption use then trade the remaining ones to approachable buyers (Table 9). Table 9 Marketing channels of French bean in kalikot Channels N Percent (%) Producer-village level collector-district traders-consumer 9 15 Producer-village level collector-consumer 29 48.30 Producer-consumer 20 33.30 Producer-district trader-retailers-consumer 2 3.30 2.5.2 Marketed price According to last year's marketed price of beans by respondents, the average marketed price from farmers (Farm gate price) was found to be Rs. 151.66 (Table 10). The highest price marketed was recorded up to Rs. 180 whereas the lowest price was found to be Rs. 120. Table 10 Marketed price of bean N Minimum Maximum Mean Marketed price of bean last year 60 120 300 217.1667 Source: Field Survey (2023) 2.5.3 Marketing margin and producers’ share The average farm gate price of bean was found to be Rs. 151.66 per kg. The average retail price paid by the consumers was Rs. 230 per kg. Marketing margin and producers’ share was found to be Rs.78.34 per kg and 60.664%, respectively (Table 11). 2.5.4 Marketing information and marketing help Market information includes information on price, product demand and supply, buyers and sellers. It appears that 47 out of 60 producers (78.3%) were not communicated about market price whereas 13 (21.7%) were getting communication facility about price of beans (Table 12). The major source of information about market were neighbours and friends. None of the farmers were using newspapers as a source of market information.